Monday, December 26, 2011

And We Are Back . . . .

Wow, I did not realize it had been quite that long since I updated my blog. Many of you may have thought that I abandoned it all together after having Eli. Well, I can assure that was never my intent but I did kind of get a little to preoccupied to post Smile And I mean preoccupied in a good way by this little guy

I have to admit looking at my blog I am feeling a bit of guilt (the Mom guilt never ends). I was loyal and faithful at blogging my pregnancy and have completely laid down on the job of blogging Eli’s life on the outside world.

I guess since I have fallen a bit behind it is hard to know where to start out at this point. I have had so many people say to me in the past “You think time goes by fast now, just wait till you have kids . . .” Well, I know exactly what they are saying. The last 2 months have flown by. I remember when I went back to work a couple of weeks ago I thought “How did it become winter?” Eli has grown and changed so much and so has our life and routine, in a good way of course.

I realized today that I do not have a “formal” Baby Book to capture everything in and it is almost impossible to remember. HOWEVER I am going to attempt to catch you up . . .

Just finished my 1st bath

1 Month Old

My 1st Thanksgiving

My 1st Facetime (seriously would this have been in the Baby Book).

My 1st Smile (Maybe not the very 1st one).

2 Months Old

Our little man weighed 8 lbs and was 21 inches long at his one month check up and weighed 8 lbs 13 oz when I had to take him in for a quick visit 2 weeks ago. So he is still a smaller guy, but the doctor says he is growing at a good rate. We have his 2 month appointment this Wednesday so I am anxious to see how much he has gained. We have another exciting 1st at the Wednesday appointment, the DREADED 1st shoots. I have been told that these will not be that bad and might just be worse on Mommy than Eli. Prayers requested!!

How is Eli’s disposition? I would have to say that we have been blessed to have a pretty easy going happy baby. He mostly just cries if he is hungry or overly tired. He sleeps pretty good at night we usually just have to wake up 1x to feed him. Of course we have had some bad nights like any new parent and I am sure we will have more. Eli just seems to be so happy and curious. He is still an alert little guy, always looking around and taking everything in. He is smiling and cooing now, which just makes me smile all over Smile We got him started using his swing when he was about 1 month old and he  loves that. I started him on his activity mat this week  and he loves that as well. he just kicks his little legs and tries to touch everything.  So wonderful to watch him learn new things! I can tell now that he recognizes me and Nick and that is such a great feeling. It just warms my heart. Who ever knew that you could love someone so much?! Smile

Now I know some of you are thinking are you not going to tell us about Eli’s 1st Christmas? The answer is yes I am going to in a separate blog. So stay tuned! AND I promise it will not take me 2 months to post it!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Introducing . . .Elijah Nicholas

That is right my blog friends Elijah Nicholas has arrived and we could not be happier. Eli came on 10/22/2011 at 1:10am, he weighed 6 lbs and 4 oz and was 19 inches long.



So how did Eli get here? Okay, we all know generally how babies get here but how did my little man enter the world? Well, I am going to share a pared down version of my birth story. I know when I was pregnant that I reached a certain point and reading birth stories just freaked me out so I vowed not to read them anymore and not to write my own. I have now decided to go against that for the purpose of documenting the experience.  All that being said if birth stories freak you out stop reading here and pick up a few paragraphs down . . . .

Eli’s World Debut

As most of you know my due date was 10/19/2011 and they day came and went with no baby. I actually had a Dr.’s appt on the 19th and set an induction for 10/24/2011. Praying all along that my sweet Eli would decide to come on his own, and sure enough he did. At about 4am on Friday I felt what I thought was my water breaking but I was not entirely sure. It was not the free flowing river that you always see in the movies or on TV. So I woke Nick up and told him not to panic my water broke and I might be having contractions. I downloaded a contraction timer app on my phone (very useful by the way) and started timing. The contractions appeared to be about 8 minutes apart. So I got in the shower and started gathering up a few things we had not previously packed in anticipation of heading to the hospital. Well, as I was doing all this my contractions spaced out and then just kind of stopped. So we put the breaks on the dash to the hospital and decided to call the Dr’s office and see if I could come in. I called at 8:15 and told them what was going on and they told me to come in immediately. We grabbed our stuff pretty much knowing we would not be back for a few days and headed for the office. They did confirm at the Dr.’s office that my water had indeed broken and they immediately sent me to Labor & Delivery.

Now here honestly come the worst part of my entire labor and delivery experience. The dreaded IV! Yes, that is right the IV was honestly the worst part of the whole thing. As most of you know I have issues with needles and blood so when they came to do the IV and said they were going to get blood at the same time this was a double whammy for me. Add all that to the fact that I was nervous and stressed, well lets just say it was a recipe for disaster. I did not actually go out but those nurses worked really hard to make sure I did not. The 2nd worse thing about this experience was the lack of food I was labor for roughly 21 hours and survived on ice chips alone. I understand the reasoning behind the food thing, but as Nick says it is just torture ,right below waterboarding. So I have my IV and my ice chips and so they started dropping Pitocin, something to jump start my contractions. They did this for a while and then stopped up because I was contracting on my own. While all this was going on I got to meet the Doctor who was on call, who I had naturally never seen before but I think it turned out to be a blessing that he was the one who was there. God always has a plan!

So I had been contracting for a while but it was not really bad so I had held off on the epidural. After talking to the Doctor I decided to go ahead and get it. For anyone considering an epidural BE NOT AFRAID! It was nothing and honestly the most wonderful thing!  Ohhh and mine was on a pump so no fear of the “Epidural running out.” (I think this is how they do most of them now). Now my progression was very slow and they decided to drop the Pitocin again and when they did this all of a sudden I had 6 nurses in my room and they are sticking me on oxygen. Scary! As it turns out when they turned the Pitocin back on it caused babies heart rate to drop so they had to stop it quickly. At this point I had a conversation with my Doctor about the progress. He told me that I was progressing and there was really no reason they I could not have this baby on my own without a c-section. I had told him that I really wanted to avoid a c-section if I could, and he felt that as long as I stayed good and baby stayed good we could just wait it out. AND so we did! I was told later on that there was only 1 other doctor that would have been that patient with me, so it truly was a blessing that a Dr. I did not even know was on call.

I started pushing at about midnight and Elijah Nicholas arrived at 1:10am on Saturday, October 22nd. They did have to use the vacuum to help get him out, which caused a bruise on his head that is gone now. He came out with the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times, which they quickly took care of and Nick got to cut the cord. They handed him to me and he was wide eyed and looking around like he wanted to discuss what he and I had just been through.

While I was pushing the only thing I could think was I get to Eli and I get to eat. Seeing Eli was truly a beautiful moment that can not be truly described. Here was this little perfect person who I had loved for 9 months and now I loved even more.

I was also extremely grateful for my mom who made the 3am Waffle House run and brought me back a pecan waffle and bacon. I never knew a waffle could taste that good!

Much love to our family who also waited patiently at the hospital and all the family and friends that sent texts and called to check in on us. We love you all and we want you to know that your love and support is invaluable to us.

We are so glad you are here Eli and love you more than words can express!


Holding our bundle of joy


With a very proud and excited Daddy

Bringing Home Baby

We were released  from the hospital at noon on Sunday and we took our precious guy home. We all (including the cats) have been going through an adjustment period but things have been going really well. It is hard to imagine life without him.


The Acorn has arrived

Eli is truly a gift from God and we feel so blessed to have him! Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we work our way through parenthood.

We love you Eli and are so glad you are here!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Due Date- Week 40


Dear Eli,

Yesterday, 10/19/2011, was your official due date and we are still anxiously awaiting your arrival.  We understand that you may need a little more time and perhaps it is just more comfortable to be “inside.”  However, we would like to assure that there are lots of wonderful things here on the outside not mention lots of wonderful people waiting to see you. Your Mama & Daddy are anxious to hold you and see you for the first time.  You have Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins, and Close Friends that are very anxious to Welcome you.

We love you already and are ready and waiting!

Love Always,


Thursday, October 13, 2011

What Can I Really Say . . .Week 39

What can I really say we have reached week 39 and still have an inside baby. I actually debated on whether to even write this blog since I do not really have a whole lot to report and I did elect NOT to take a picture. For those of you who feel cheated without a picture just take a look at last weeks I look pretty well the same. If I make it to week 40 then I will give you another picture then.

I am officially off work now and have been working my way through the Pre-Eli Arrival checklist. Today I cleaned out the refrigerator, pantry, and the canned food cabinet. Let me just tell you the can food should have been cleaned out about 2 years ago! See I told you this was going to be an exciting blog. I will have to say that I originally planned on working all the way up to the birth , but I am now thankful that I made the decision to go ahead and take some time now.

Speaking of decision that is problem the #1 life lesson I have learned during this pregnancy. People have a lot of varying opinions on everything regarding pregnancy, birth, and child rearing and most have not been hesitate to share them with us (whether solicited or not). As a professed people pleaser it has often been difficult for me to disregard the opinions of others and do truly what is best for me and my growing family. BUT I have finally reached a point where I know that the only way I can be happy is to pray and ask God to guide my decisions. I can not make others happy I can only make me happy! Okay, so that is probably enough of my random pregnant lady confession.

Now for the weekly update:

Week 39

Size Still a WATERMELON this week! Otherwise known as a PERSON! 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighing in at 6.2 to 9.0 pounds.

Physical Features & Development:Eli’s brain is still developing rapidly, and his skin has taken on a paler shade thanks to a thicker layer of fat around the blood vessels. He's now able to flex his limbs, and his nails might extend past his fingertips.

Baby Movement: Still plenty of baby movement happening and there is really nothing comfortable about it at this point. It is still sweet, but I have been trying to tell Eli that there is whole lot more room to move around on the outside Smile

What I Miss: I honestly am just tired of being pregnant! Enough said . . .

Cravings: Still wanting some Menchie’s fro-yo, I do not think I actually got any when I wanted it last time. I have also been wanting some wood-fired pizza. Don’t ask me why it has to be wood-fired, it is just what I want. (I blame this on TV commercials).

Overall feelings: Right now I honestly feel at peace, I do feel a little anxious at times. I just hope I can keep this peaceful feeling when it is “Go Time.”

Upcoming Events: Well, next week is our official due date, October 19th. If Eli has not appeared by then we have a Dr.’s appt. Prayers requested from all!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Waiting at Week 38


Well, here we are at week 38! Still Eli on board! I am not even really sure what to say about the belly at this point except there is a person in there! We did confirm at our ultrasound this week that Eli weighs 6lbs and 8oz , which is about a week behind normal but still within range. The doctor actually said that since I am a smaller person it is better for me that he is smaller. AND I must say I whole hardly agree. At this point though I have yet to make any progress toward him coming out. I actually told Nick this morning that maybe I actually have a Trill in there (You have to watch Star Trek to understand this reference). I know that he will come out when he is ready but in the immortal words of Tom Petty . . .The Waiting is The Hardest Part!  We do officially have the bag packed and in the car so I feel ready to roll whenever. Now we just need a reason to ROLL!

I would like to take this moment to thank everyone for all there support, thoughts, prayers, and gifts during our pregnancy. The kindness, generosity, and support we have seen has been truly a blessing from above and we are forever grateful for everything!

So without further ado the week 38 update . . .

Week 38

Size Still a WATERMELON this week! 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighing in at 6.2 to 9.0 pounds.

Physical Features & Development: The last bits of vernix caseosa (the white goo keeping baby's skin moist) and lanugo (downy hair) are slowly shedding into your amniotic fluid. Eli's head is about the same circumference as his abdomen, and his head could be covered in an inch or so of hair. Can not wait to see if he actually has any hair!

Baby Movement: Still feeling plenty of baby shifts and rolls. They are uncomfortable at times as he is all jammed up in there. Nick actually tries to listen to him and says he can here him splashing around in there, which I think is cute! He still hangs out over on the right side which gives my belly a good slopped look most of the time.

What I Miss: Oh the things I could list here- Eating without feeling guilty, allergy pills, being able to wear all the clothes in my closet, being able to shop for new clothes, sleeping in any position I want, and I am going to stop there before I get overly whiney. I know everyone is going to say it will all be worth it AND you are right. However, I feel I am allowed to have a whiney mom to-be moment every now and then right?!

Cravings: I had a hankering for pumpkin muffins, it is the season after all! So I made some of the weight watchers ones that involve a can of pumpkin, a cake mix, and water. So easy yet so tasty! Thanks to a good friend at work I discovered Honeycrisp apples and they are AWESOME! Literally, best apple ever! So I have been enjoying those. I have also been watching a lot of Man vs. Food, which shockingly does not actually make me crave or want anything. I think mostly due to the fact to the insanely gross amounts of food the host, Adam, eats. At the moment I have had Cracker Barrel French Toast on the brain. I have been trying to fight the feeling and eat good for me stuff, but I am not sure I can hold this one off.

Overall feelings: Anxious, nervous, excited, impatient, whiney, and BLESSED! I still have some physical ails, but I know they are all manageable now as we are in the FINAL count down!

Upcoming Events:Hopefully and Prayerfully the coming of Eli! I also have another Dr’s appt next week. Keep praying for us!

We love you Eli and can not wait to see you!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Elijah’s Room

Drum Roll Please . . . .the nursery blog has finally landed! I know I have been promising it FOREVER and I can only hope it will be worth the wait for everyone. Smile

I would like to start out by saying that this room would not look as good as it does now if it were not for some wonderful gifts that we received from friends and family. We have received so many wonderful gifts and are so very grateful for everyone and everything!

So without further ado . . . .



This is a close up of the bedding and theme we selected for the room. When I began looking at bedding waaay back when I first found out I was pregnant I decided that if we had a boy that Nick should really get to pick the theme. So I would take him through the baby department at stores and ask “What do you think of this?” He actually picked this one out at Babies R’ Us and never changed his mind. I would show him other things and he would always go back to this one. I honestly thought it was a little to brown at first, however I think it turned out to be a great choice. I love it! And since it is so brown/neutral heavy it is very easy to match.


Crib, bedding, name letters, diaper stacker, mobile, and car seat (yes, we need to get that car seat installed)


I ordered the letters for his name from a seller/designer on Etsy. Once again it was Nick’s idea to hang them on a bamboo poles so we would not have to drill so many holes. He actually searched the web for the poles and purchased them at Pier 1 Imports. The wall color in Eli’s room is one of my favorites, Christopher Robbin’s Swing, a Disney color you can get at home depot. We actually have this color in our Master Bathroom and decided it would look great in the nursery and compliment the bedding well.


Inside the crib- And before anyone says anything I know that we will need breathable bumpers!  However, until we need them I am leaving up the pretty ones. We also plan to hang the quilt from our set on the wall since it is really to heavy for baby to use.


Brown curtains from Target and matching valance from bed set. Also in this picture is the giant Sock Monkey my Dad got for Eli.


Changing Table/Dresser area- The changing table was a purchase I did a ton of research on. Originally I thought I was just going to put a changing pad on a dresser. Then I found this dresser on that had a changing table top that could be removed when Eli got older, so it would just function as a dresser. We spent a little more on it than I would have liked but I think we will be able to use it for a long time.


I love the cubical organizer! I actually put this on my registry and my parents purchased it and the little bins for us. It has already been super helpful for storage and I know it will be functional for Eli for a long time. 


Last but not least . . .finished closet doors on the double closet! Nick worked so hard getting them done and I am so thankful!

So that is our little Eli’s room and of course it is not completely finished.  I opted not to buy a glider or chair right now. I am going to be borrowing a a recliner/rocker from my parents to put in there until I can figure out what I really want. I also have some really cute jungle related wall decals to put up that some one gave me as a a gift.  Although everything is not completely done I am so happy with it and can not wait to have our little man in there!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Full Term! YAY!- 37

Here we are at week 37 and that means Eli can be considered full term! It is kind of reassuring to know that if he were to come right now that he would be okay. In another note of celebration I hit the age that I will remain forever this week . . . .29! That’s right people from here forward I will continue to have birthdays because I do love them, but my age will remain constant Smile I had a most excellent birthday with dinner at Jason’s Deli with my parents, and lots of wonderful gifts and well wishes from my family and friends. Nick actually took my to see the Lion King in 3D and yes I did sing out loud and no I was not he only person in the theater that did. Can not wait to show Eli the Lion King one day, it is one of my favorites! Looking forward to celebrating Eli’s Birthday soon!

I did have a Doctor’s appointment this week, as I will every week until Elijah Nicholas makes his appearance. Doctor said everything looked pretty good. My belly was measuring about 2 cm’s behind where they would like me to be so we are having an ultrasound next week for growth. The Doctor told me that I am just a smaller person and he feels like the baby is just packed up in there, but we would do the ultrasound just to take a look. I think if our Doctor had been really concerned we would have had an ultrasound that day so I am not really concerned. We are of course thrilled to get to see our little guy! In person would be better but we will take another ultrasound peek! Please pray that all is well with Eli and I!

You all will be glad to know that I have made progress toward “packing the bag.” If he were to come right now I feel fairly confident that we at least have the most important things packed and that is a good feeling!

Well, here is the BUMP pic . . ..


It may be a few centimeters behind but I honestly feel it is plenty big enough.

Now the update . . . .

Week 37

Size: We are officially a WATERMELON this week! 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighing in at 6.2 to 9.0 pounds.

Physical Features & Development: Our full-term baby is gaining about 1/2 ounce a day.  He's also brushing up on skills for the outside world: blinking, sucking, inhaling, exhaling, and gripping (it's getting strong!).

Baby Movement: Ohh the joys of the ever shifting belly! At night Nick can sit and just watch my stomach move and shift. He asked me the other night “Can you feel all of that?” And the answer is “Yes, I can!” The last few days it has literally been a party at Eli’s place! I have noted one thing that he does seem to have a favorite spot. Most of the time he will settle on the right side and wreck havoc on my ribs and hip. Okay, I should not say wreck havoc but it does do a good break dance in there!

What I Miss: Hard to say at the moment. Over all I just want to be somewhat “normal” again. Or at least some new version of normal.

Cravings: Well, my normal birthday dinner is Olive Garden, but this year I had a craving for something lighter and involving humus. So we went to Jason’s Deli and man did it hit the spot. it may not be fancy but it was awesome! At the moment I could go for some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

Overall feelings: I still have a little back and hip pain at times. I found the best way to avoid this is just not to do a whole lot, and if I do then sit down for a while. I am also starting to battle those fall allergies which is no fun. I just keep telling myself not to much longer! Mentally and emotionally I feeling pretty good right now just really anxious to hold my little boy!

Upcoming Events: Tuesday is our growth ultrasound and appointment. Please keep praying for us!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Time for an Exit Plan- 36

4 weeks to go! (If we have an on due date baby). It is hard to believe that we are literally in the final weeks, time has flown by so fast. Now I feel like I have so much time but so little at the same time! It’s time to be ready for Eli’s big exit and then his arrival home. We did make some good strides with that this week. Nick got up one of the final decorating touches in his room. (I promise I will do a nursery blog). I washed a bunch of his newborn clothes and sheets. Eli’s official take home outfit came this week and it has been washed and packed in his bag. I bought some stuff to start packing my bag, but just can not seem to get that done. I keep putting it off and I know we are going to get caught with nothing packed. Luckily, we are never far from a Wal-Mart Smile so if I end up going in with nothing I am sure we can buy some stuff.

I had my 1st of the “weekly” Dr’s appointments this week, everything is on track and looking good. They did spring some surprise blood work on me, still not sure why they needed that blood. I have given so much blood during this whole thing that I kind of wonder what they are doing with all of it. Nick was not with my and I kind of panicked and tried to past out. I did not actually go out but I fought it really hard. I was kind of shocked that I had this issue given that I got an IV at the hospital a couple of weeks ago with no trouble. Just goes to show that this problem is truly all in my head.

So with out further ado the bump pic . . . .


There is is the 36 weeks bump or “watermelon.” All I have to say is being pregnant is officially no longer cute!

Week 36

Size:  Still Honeydew baby (despite the fact I feel like I am carrying a watermelon). 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and weighing in at 4.2 to 5.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s skin is getting smooth and soft, his gums are rigid, his liver and kidneys are in working order, and his circulation and immune system are basically good to go. Eli’s lungs are the only organs that still need to fully mature, but every day he gets a little closer to breathing on his own.

Baby Movement: The pokes and jabs continue this week and at times are pretty painful. For some reason Eli likes to try to do an aggressive tap dance when I am driving or try to stand on my poor right hip. You can almost always see him move from the outside now. Last night while eating dinner I kind of leaned my plat against my belly and he actually moved around and moved the plate. Nick claims he is trying to get out. Who knows maybe his is in there plotting his on exit plan.

What I Miss:  As soon as Eli is on this side I have already told Nick I want an ibuprophen and an Allegra whether I need one or not!

Cravings: I have not done so good on the eating front in the last week. I have had the munchies a bit and I have not always made the best choices. I am going to try to do better this week those.  At the moment Peanut Butter seems to be big on the list. We have Homecoming at church on Sunday and I am actually making peanut butter pie.

Overall feelings: I really do feel pretty good. I do have to take it a little easier these days. Most of the time I will do a little something around the house and then sit down for a while. I also have kind of a tender belly, from all the stretching I suppose. At first I thought it was just “itchy” but really it just kind of hurts sometimes to the point that I do not want my shirt to touch it. My hip and back still hurt a little bit and sleeping is not a lot of fun. BUT  hey I do not have to much longer so I can do this!

Upcoming Events: Well, I have another appointment next Tuesday, prayers that everything is still going well!

We Love you Eli and can not wait to see you!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

34 & 35

So I know some of you are asking yourself where in the world have I been for the last week? Why do we have a combined week 34 & 35 blog? Well, let me ask you a question have you had one of those weeks that you would rather just block out? That is exactly how I feel about Week 34. I am going to give you the short version of week 34. It all started out with some really bad back and hip pain on Saturday and also feeling a little nauseous. The hip pain got progressively worse and by Tuesday (the day after labor day) every time I moved I just wanted to cry, the nauseous also progressed and by Tuesday I was unable to keep anything down. So I called my Dr’s office and they could get me in the next day and I thought I would be okay till then. Nick went out to mow the yard and when he came back in I had been sick and was stooped over on the bed crying because my hip hurt so bad. That is when he decided it was time to go to the hospital. We got to the hospital where they sent us straight up to Labor & Delivery where they put me in a room and started monitoring the baby. I was dehydrated and they thought I might have a kidney stone so they decided to keep me over night. The next morning I talked with the Dr. who informed me I was having sciatic nerve pain and had either caught the icky stomach bug that was going around or I had bad acid reflux. They wrote me a couple of prescriptions, recommended a chiropractic adjustment for the hip and back pain and discharged us.

I am happy to report that I went and saw my massage therapist and got the recommended chiropractic adjustment, and my back and hip pain is MUCH improved! Praise the Lord! My stomach has righted itself and I have been taking some pepcid to fight acid reflux in case that was the issue.  Now I am not going to lie to you it was no fun having to go to the hospital. BUT the “dry run” we had in Labor & Delivery actually eased my mind a lot about going in for the actually delivery. I survived getting an IV last week so I know I can handle it on the big day. I also now know how it kind of works with the nurses and what to expect with the room.  A hospital tour might have been cheaper but I think the actual experience was priceless.

There were a couple of bright spots in week 34 was the fabulous Baby Shower my wonderful friends and co-workers gave me. They did such a great job putting everything together! My only regret is that I could not eat the day we had it, but I have been enjoying all the food they sent home with me since I got to feeling better. Thanks to you all! AND we also had our Maternity Pictures on that Friday before everything started getting so bad. They were done by Affection Photography, and they were AWESOME! I should have some to share on the blog soon.

So what has been going on this week? Well, we are really getting close and I feel the need to really pull everything together. We at this point have everything we absolutely need to bring Eli home and care for him, which is a good feel. There are a few things I would still like to have, but if he were to come right now we would be ok.  Since we had our little hospital adventure I have realized it is time to pack that bag and be ready because he could literally be here anytime. Scary and exciting all at the same time!

And now for the Bump pics (34 &35):


Week 34


Week 35

I think the biggest difference in these pictures is my hair. I finally got a much needed hair cut last Friday. It looks so much better!

Now for the official update . . . .

Week 35

Size: Honeydew baby! 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and weighing in at 4.2 to 5.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s  growth is mostly in the plumping up department -- though he won't get much longer, he'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth. (He's about 15 percent right now and will be about 30 percent by full-term.) Also his hearing is totally developed. Wonder if he can hear everything we say?

Baby Movement: Eli movement has got a little different. I feel that now I get a lot of sometimes painful pokes and jabs, but he is still very active. AND I am thankful for this! I know as he gets bigger in there that the movement will get less and I am actually going to miss it Sad smile

What I Miss: I just want my body back, and I don’t mean my figure but my actual body. I am not sure if I want to share anymore.

Cravings: I am honestly glad to be eating like a normal person again, since I went for about 2 days last week eating next to nothing. At the moment I could go for some Japanese((due to a conversation I had at work today). and some Menchie’s Fro-yo. By the way, if you have not been to Menchie’s I would highly recommend it, you put together your on Fro-yo bowl with toppings! It is FABULOUS!

Overall feelings: At the moment I just feel blessed to be feeling better again!

Upcoming Events: We have a Baby Shower at church on Sunday, which is great! Our wonderful friends also gave birth to there baby this week, he was about 3 weeks early but is doing great. Welcome Miles!

I have a Dr’s appt next Tuesday this is my 1st weekly appointment, a big sign that we are getting really close! The next big event could be the Eli arrival! Smile

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

33- Change is on the Way


So I guess we can all take one look at this picture and know that a big CHANGE is coming! A good change! I think it really hit me this week how quickly it is actually approaching. I actually woke up at 4am a couple of nights ago and could not go to sleep due to everything running through my head.  The birth, the coming home, the stuff that is still to be done . . .you name it I was thinking about it. I would also like to take this time to stay that I have not officially band myself from reading birth stories on the internet! Just not a good idea!  All that being said I am not sure if we are at all ready for Eli’s arrival (is possible to be really ready?). BUT I do know we are very excited to meet him! My Mom and Dad framed one of my 3d Ultrasound pics for me, which I placed in the living room and I find myself constantly looking at him. I might be slightly worried about you coming out Eli but I can not wait too hold you!

In other news I had a good Doctor’s appt this week. The doctor said I was looking good and Eli is measuring right on track! Very good news! And according to the Doctor my belly is truly all baby!

Now time for the normal update . . .

Week 33

Size: Honeydew baby! (Finally we changed from the Squash). 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and weighing in at 4.2 to 5.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli may grow up to a full inch this week alone, and his brain is developing like crazy. Pretty soon, he'll be able to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Also, his bones are hardening, and he's started to keep his eyes open when he's awake.

Baby Movement: Still tons of Eli movement! Almost like he has happy feet like his Mom! I know at our last Ultrasound Eli was breech and I know he has moved around since then but I am not sure he is yet in the good head down position. The funniest part of all his movements is my now noticeable shifting belly. I have had several people now be able to spot where the baby Eli is positioned based on the shape of the belly. Nick was particularly fascinated by this! Not all movements are sweet and fun I had a rather painful shift during lunch today almost like he was sliding his elbow around and digging it in at the same time!

What I Miss: Sleeping WITHOUT a body pillow. I truly hate having all that extra stuff in the bed!

Cravings: I have a good one this week . . .BANANAS! I talked to my Dr. about my truly horrible foot and leg cramps at my appointment. He said it was either a lack of calcium of potassium. He recommend several things to make sure I get more in my diet and the one for potassium was bananas. So I went and bought a bunch of bananas and put one in my little cooler/lunch box to take to work. So that afternoon when I took my banana out it was good and cold AND the best thing I had eaten all day. I cracked my friend at work up because I was so excited about my yummy cold banana. So now I am all about my banana a day, and I have been trying to find other banana things to eat. My parents are coming over for labor day and we are having . . .you guessed it . . .Banana Pudding Smile I can not wait!

Overall feelings: Feeling good and very blessed! I do have some leg/foot cramps, stretching belly pain, itchy belly, back pain, etc. But so far it is all very manageable!

Upcoming Events: I have a work Baby Shower  next week that I am excited about!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

32 and Terrific!

What a wonderful week it has been! We had our 1st baby shower, thank you to my Sister in-law Nicole & Mother in-law Julie, and it was AWESOME! And totally worthy of a blog of its own, which we will have. So many cute things to share! We got all kinds of great stuff at our shower and I am feeling so much more prepared (stuff wise). The nursery is also coming along quite nicely. Nick got our changing table/dresser put together and I LOVE it. We also got our cubicle organizer at our shower from my parents, and I love it. The only big piece furniture we have left is a chair, which I will be borrowing from parents and we will get it in there later. As for functional/construction work we had one little snafu with a closet door. So we have a closet door to paint and put up, and when I say “we” I mean Nick Smile AND we have decorating to do!  It is all coming together and I am so excited!

Now the weekly update . . .



I figured we would start this update off with the bump pic since Eli is definitely making his mark now and I can really tell I am getting bigger weekly! I just hope I have abs again!

Size: This Squash Baby phase lasts a long time! 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 lbs. So see my baby is a 3.8 lbs squash!

Physical Features & Development: This week baby Eli should be getting into the head down position since the womb is getting cramped due to his growth and head down is his most comfortable position. As I shared with you all last week my baby is breech and I am fairly certain he is still in that position. I am sure he will move whenever he is ready.

Baby Movement: Lots of baby movement the last few days, including some rather not so nice bladder tap dancing. (sorry if that is tmi). I also have some rather painful movement up in my ribs still. Despite all this I am glad to know he is active in there and I know I will miss it when Eli is on the “other side” so to speak.

What I Miss: Ab muscles! They are truly essential for life.

Cravings: Ohhh the things I have been wanting to eat and not actually eating! Nick and I had a conversation about going to Earth Fare, which made me want Root Beer. They have my favorite brand of root beet at Earth Fare, and I am now adding that to my list of things I want after the birth. Yesterday, I developed a need for fried chicken due to seeing them make it in the move “The Help.” (Great movie by the way!) I satisfied that need to night by making a great oven baked coated chicken recipe my mother recommended.

Overall feelings: Feeling great! Still having the same back pain, but I have managed to some what harness the itchy belly with regular lotioning.  Still just feeling extremely blessed

Upcoming Events: I have a Dr’s appt on August 29th. Just a 2 weeks check up. Hard to believe that we have made it to the 2 week appointments already! Prayers for a healthy baby and momma. I am also starting to make plans for my maternity pics which I am very excited about!

Now as promised a couple of weeks ago . . .3D pics of Eli! See I did not forget!

Eli 3d

There is his sweet little face! The poor Ultrasound Tech had to work really hard to get these. Eli did not want to move at all, but she got us some pics and I am grateful for that! Most people feel he looks like Nick and I would have to agree he really favors his Daddy! We also have another pic that is kind of hard to make out so I am not going to post it where you can see a little hair. Nick had hair as a baby and I was pretty much bald so it will be interesting to see how Eli comes out. I can not wait to see what he looks like and get to know his personality.

We love you Eli!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thrilled at 31


So I am sure most of you thought we would be leading off this post with an Eli pic since we had an Ultrasound this week. AND I do have some, 3D ones even, but we have not gotten them scanned yet. So come back because the will be posted. For now you will just have to do with a picture of me at 31 weeks!

So although we have no pictures to show this time but I do have plenty to share from the ultrasound. This ultrasound was to measure growth and we found out that out little baby Eli is right on track. Currently, the measured his weight at 3 lbs, 8 oz, and as the ultrasound tech said “My Belly is all Baby.” Eli was in a breech position Monday with his head up at my reads and his feet down near my cervix.  This was the 1st ultrasound that we have had where Eli decided to take a nap, he has normally been really active but not for this one! He had been really moving all morning and I guess he decided it was time to rest at ultrasound time and he was actually keeping his head on my placenta like it was a pillow. So cute! In order to get a good pic of his face the Ultrasound tech actually had to get me to lay on my side so we could get him to tilt his face and get him straight on. (I promise I will share the pics!) It was so great to hear that everything was on track! Such a blessing to have a healthy baby!

Weekly update time . . .

Week 31

Size:  Yet again a Squash Baby! 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 lbs. So see my baby is a 3.8 lbs squash!

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s going through major brain and nerve development these days. His irises now react to light, and all five senses are in working order. (He won't pick up anything from his nose until after birth, though -- smell is transferred through air, not amniotic fluid.)

Baby Movement:  I am still feeling plenty of movement and he does appear to be more active in the evening. I also understand his movements more now that I know where he is positioned. I get a lot of kicks down low and then sometimes a tightness under my right ribs, almost like I am getting head butted perhaps!

What I Miss: A normal nights sleep, but I know this may not happen again for a very long time.

Cravings: I actually had a bit of a Taco Bell craving on Sunday, and yes I got some Tacos. AND yes I regretted it later. Praise the Lord for Tums!

Overall feelings: I am honestly still feeling really good. The back pain continues as it will till this is over. My wonderful and loving husband got me a heating pad to see if that would help. He is so great, and always concerned about my comfort. I have also developed an itchy belly due to stretching skin (I think). When I say itchy I mean crazy must scratch immediately itching. So I guess it is time to get more diligent with the lotioning of the belly.

Upcoming Events:  I have my 1st Baby Shower on Saturday!!! Can not wait!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Can’t Believe we have 10 weeks to Go!- 30

10 weeks! 10 weeks! I am not sure if I should run around in a panic or just sit here in shock. Luckily, we have made some really good progress on little Eli’s room. Nick completed all the wall painting and touch up last weekend and then we put the CRIB up!IMG_1999

Whoo hoo! After we got the crib up I went on a bit of an ordering spree trying to get the other things that we would need. I ordered the changing table/dressed we had picked out and it is set to arrive next week. Sadly, it has to be assembled and it looks rather complicated. I also ordered some letters to spell out Elijah on the wall in his room. I also picked up some curtains to go in his room. We do not have a rod to put them on yet but I hope to remedy that this weekend. So things are coming together and I hope to be posting a completed Eli’s Room blog very soon!

Now on to the update . . . .


Size:  Still a Squash Baby! 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s brain just keeps getting more wrinkled, which is a good thing. All those grooves and indentations increase surface area, meaning more room for that oh-so-essential brain tissue. He is also adding some brawn – his grip is now strong enough to grasp a finger.

Baby Movement:  Ohh the Eli movement this week has been something else. As I explained to Nick it is not so much little pokes and flutters any more, but more like complete body shifts. I have felt a few kicks up in my rib area now. I also noticed I get movement down low and up high at the same time, almost like he is moving his hands and feet simultaneously. Eli is probably at his most active after 9pm, and last night we had some friends over and from 9-10 they actually got to watch my belly do weird things with all the Eli movement.

 What I Miss: IBUPROPHEN! I know I have posted this before, but I seriously have missed this. I actually told Nick that once Eli is out I want one whether I need it OR not!

Cravings: I have tried so hard to be a good little eater this week and I believe have been successful for the most part. I did kind of have a powerful need for peanut butter cookies and I fought it pretty much all week. Then we decided to have some friends over last night and they seemed the perfect excuse to make some since other people could eat them too Smile 

Overall feelings: I truly feel good and hate complain about anything. I continue to have some pretty icky back pain, but I know that is something I will just have to deal with until this is over. One thing I learned this week is that I can not longer turn over at night like a normal person. I went to pull myself over one night this week and got this terrible pain that started from my back and ran all the way around to my belly. Apparently without those oh so important ab muscles you can’t just pull yourself over anymore. Who knew! So I am definitely more aware of the way I move and maneuver myself. I sleep okay at night but wake up very sore. I have been sleeping with a body pillow which helps some, but have been considering buying one of those Snoogle pillows. I think it might make me a little more comfortable.

Upcoming Events: Monday, August 15th we get to see our Eli! We have an ultrasound to measure growth! Prayers for a healthy baby!

And last but not least the 30 week pic . . . .


Most people have commented that there is a huge difference between this week and last and well I would have to agree. We definitely have a baby on board!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just too Hormonal- Week 29

Ohhh week 29 has been kind of like what they say about March- it came in like a hormonal lion and appears to be leaving like a hormonal lamb. I honestly hate to write another whiney blog so I am going to keep this as brief as possible and get to the happy Eli update.

So my Doctor finally called this week to ask me to reschedule my 3 hour glucose test. If you remember I actually passed out at that test 2 weeks ago and Nick and I decided we would not be going back to do it again. Too much stress for all of us! So when my Doctor called to reschedule I told them I would not be doing that again and explained that I had passed out. So she told if I could not do the test again that they would just go ahead and say I have Gestational Diabetes and send me to class to get a monitor, etc. Well, I had a Doctor’s appointment the same day I found out about this so Nick went with me to try to talk to her about how the testing was done and ask a few questions, and we basically got the question that she did not want to talk to us about it and the decision was made. So to make a long story short I did go to the GD class and I have been trying to follow the diet to the best of my ability (it is not to bad, just card counting) but as far as sticking myself still no success in that area. I have changed my next appointment to another OB in my office, actually the one I used to go to prior to getting pregnant. We just want to be heard and properly diagnosed. I think if I could fast for the one hour test that the outcome would be different. Needless to say all of this has caused me a lot of emotional and hormonal stress, but I am in a better place now. I would like to issue an official apology to anyone who had to be around me earlier this week, I know it was not easy and I am very sorry.

Now for some good news- we have a coat of paint up in Eli’s room and it already looks great. I also ordered our crib mattress from Amazon today! Everything is coming together, which is very exciting! He will be here before we know it.

Update time . . .

Week 29

Size:  Squash Baby! And this is not a skinny yellow squash but like a small pumpkin looking squash. 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli is looking more like a full-term baby, too.He’s plumping up nicely; the surface of his skin is smoother and paler because of the fat he’s starting to gain. This fat will be an important factor in the ability to keep warm. Our baby also has eyelashes!

Baby Movement:  Still plenty to feel and I have confirmed in the last couple of days that baby Eli is having hiccups. I feel bad for him, I always hate getting the hiccups. Nick always love to feel for the baby and whenever he presses down, Eli presses back! It is so sweet!

What I Miss:  I am slowly starting to miss having more wardrobe choices. As my belly grows my clothing options shrink. I guess this means I need to do more shopping Smile

Cravings: The last 2 days I have been doing the GD diet so cravings are kind of out the window. I did satisfy one craving over the weekend. I had some awesome hot fudge cake! I few minutes ago I just saw a commercial for Carrabba’s wood fire pizza and now I could go for some pizza. The power of suggestion still reigns supreme!

Overall feelings: At this moment the only complaint I have is some back pain, and I can only imagine it is going to get worse, but I know it is because my Eli is growing. I am emotionally doing really well now and I am thankful for that. I know that this pregnancy is a gift and that I need to keep the FAITH and not let my emotions over take me.

Upcoming Events: Exciting baby shower to attend for my friend Katherine on Sunday! Can not wait to see her! Our next Dr.’s appt and Ultrasound is on 8/15. Can not wait to see our little Eli! AND last but not least my 1st baby shower on 8/20!

Despite my hormonal/emotional week I still feel continual blessed!

Ohhh I almost forgot . . . .


Here is the bump pic. Wave “hey” to Eli!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Cool but Cranky at 28

So the weeks continue to just fly on by it is hard to believe we are 2 weeks away from the 30 week mark! AHHH! Now given how quickly baby Eli is approaching we are making preparations for his room. Given that I can not help paint all of this prep has been left to poor Nick, and he has been working hard. We (I mean Nick) have installed a new ceiling fan (not the easiest one he has ever put in), painted baseboard, repaired the wall, and now he is all ready to paint the walls. So excited! I on the other hand have been bust online shopping for room décor. I have been looking at curtains, wooden letters to spell out Eli’s name, and various other things. All of which are VERY important and VERY cute! I do think things are moving in a very good direction in our nursery Smile Now I am not sure if this is the nesting kicking in or not, but I am also kinda worried about getting things cleaned, straightened and organized in the rest of the house. For example, I actually scrubbed baseboards over the weekend. This I am sad and somewhat ashamed to say might have been there 1st thorough cleaning since we painted and installed them (we have replaced most of the base in our house). Go ahead and judge my house cleaning! This weekend I am hoping to go through and organize our kitchen and clean the cabinets and then tackle re-organizing the linen closet. Lofty goals I know, but I am trying to seize the nesting moment.

Now on to the bump picture . . .Please overlook my hair it was kind of weird looking this week


Week 28

Size:  Still an Eggplant baby- not sure when this changes but I think this has been 3 weeks in a row now! 13.6 in to 14.8 in, weighing 1.5 to 2.2 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Some very reassuring news in this section-  Eli's lungs are mature enough that, if born right now,he has a good chance of surviving (with help from medical technology). His skin is still pretty wrinkly (one byproduct of living in amniotic fluid) but will smoothen as fat continues to deposit.

Baby Movement:  I have been thinking of changing this category, but I love feeling him move and talking about it. I hope my blog friends do not get bored with it. Eli has still been very active and I have actual seen a few ripples and nudges from the outside now. Eli did have kind of a sleepy day last Saturday not a whole lot of noticeable movement, which was a little concerning. I was actually poking him and shaking waking him up. (That did work by the way).  However, it seems that was a just a down day he was right back to the normal swimming on Sunday.

What I Miss:  A moment with out back pain and being able to workout like a normal person. I know it seems weird to say I miss working out but it honestly kind of hard to face not being able to do something you have always done. Sadly, I think I attended my last pre-Eli Zumba class this week. I went this week and did what I call “Pregnant Lady Zumba” which involved a lot of marching in place, and the next day I literally hurt all over. So I think I will be on the treadmill only till Eli makes his glorious debut.

Cravings: Over the weekend I literally say a pic of some Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream in a magazine and decided that I had to have some. I did manage to get some ice cream and it was just not as tasty as it looked in the picture.

Overall feelings: I guess you could say CRANKY, especially today! I have been suffering a few physical problems this week that have me a little down. I also have been having quite a bit of back pain, which I know is to be expected, but still makes it no less comfortable to deal with. I also have apparently officially hit the point of “having trouble sleeping.” Poor Nick and my work family has had to deal with a whiney pregnant lady. I know that I am extremely blessed and I need to focus more on the positive. If I lean on my faith God will see me through this small painful patches.

Appointments & Coming Events: Plenty of exciting stuff coming up as always. My dear sis in-law Nicole and I will be taking a road trip next Sunday to attend a baby shower for a good friend who is due 2 weeks before me. Very excited about that! We also have our appointment on 8/15 where we get an Ultrasound to measure the little man’s growth.

Too muc to be excited and thankful for to be CRANKY!

We Love you Elijah Nicholas!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

WHOA it is the 3rd Trimester!–27 Weeks

WOW . . .So we have reached the 3rd trimester. This is going by WAAY to fast! AND this also my first officially REALLY late blog and for that I apologize. But hey I am still writing it so that should count for something.

Lets start this one out right with a bump pic . . .

Week 27 (4)

Here we are! Looking pretty good I think. I do ask Nick every week if my face look face (not that he or anyone else would ever say YES). Also I am proud to report that my belly button is still an “Innie” a massive crater of an “Innie” but still an “Innie.”

Well, I am sure most of you are wondering how the dreaded 3 hour glucose test went that I ranted and whined on about last week. I guess I can describe it in on word . . .BAD! Now in order to complete test you have to fast over night, which means I woke up very hungry. I should also say that I have a lot more trouble with giving blood and fainting when I have fasted. So I arrived at the Lab at 6:45am feeling a little nervous but just ready to have it over with. We got in the little room with some reclining chairs and a TV, I explained to the lab tech that I have to lay down to have blood drawn, and she drew the blood to get a baseline. I was feeling pretty good, thinking I made it through the first one. SO I start flipping through the TV channels, and then it all went very badly. I told Nick I was going to pass out and he should get someone, and then well I passed out. Nick could give a complete description of the passing out, which sounds almost like a seizure, but we will skip through all those details and just say . . . . I passed out, got taken to the ER, threw up, and finally got released to go home. Eli was fine they took his heart beat and it was 154- Praise the Lord! I on the other hand had a glucose of 75 and my blood pressure was really low, which the low bp is not unusual for a passing out scene. While at the ER I got some food (which stayed down) and the ER doctor declared that there would not be anymore glucose test. So after what was a fairly traumatic couple of hours we went home and rested for the rest of the day.

So now where do we go from here? Well, I have yet to her from my Doctor about the test or next steps. Nick and I have both decided that we will not go back for the 3 hour glucose again to much stress and scary passing out. They can either figure something else out or just assume I have gestational diabetes and I will do the diet and monitoring. AND yes we are prepared to argue strongly with my Doctor. So I will keep you posted.

Now the weekly update . . .


Size:  Still and Eggplant baby! 13.6 in to 14.8 in, weighing 1.5 to 2.2 lbs. (This is the same as last week)

Physical Features & Development: Baby's lungs are going through some major developments these days, which (combined with the opening of previously plugged nostrils) means Eli’s now able to practice inhaling and exhaling.

Baby Movement:  The coolest thing on the baby movement front is all the movement at night. Nick usually comes to bad after me at night and he then feels Eli moving around while I sleep. I don’t feel any of these, but apparently he is having a party in there.

What I Miss: This is kind of weird but the last couple of weeks I have had a hard time enjoy pregnancy because I have been to worried about all this glucose testing, etc.  I am ready to let the stress go and get back to enjoyment and fun. We love our Eli and can not wait to meet him!

Cravings: Apple Dew’s! You may never have heard of these but they are kind of like an apple filled pastry. My Mom has made them before and they are super yummy! I now have the recipe and I am ready to make some of my own.

Appointments & Coming Events: Well, we still have the Doctor’s appt and ultrasound coming up on August 15th. AND I also have my first Baby Shower coming up on August 2oth! Can not wait!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ups & Downs at Week 26

Oh wow, where to start with the week 26 update. This is really one of those blogs where I could truly break it down in a Good, Bad, and Fabulous. So much to say. So lets just jump right in with the update on Eli and some pictures. Well, we got to have an ultrasound on Monday where we got to see our wonderful little man again Smile Always so exciting! If you will remember one of his little kidney’s was kind of full at the anatomy scan so they scheduled this ultrasound to get a 2nd look at it. AND I am happy to report that Eli’s kidney was just fine! PRAISE THE LORD! Now what I am sure most of you have been waiting for . . .Eli pictures!


Little Eli hanging out! He was actually pretty active at this ultrasound according to the tech. He also opened and closed his mouth the whole time. Nick said “Oh no he is talking already!”


And yes we got a few 3d images this time Smile In this one he has his little eye open! How sweet is that!?

It was so good to see that Eli was doing well! Such a blessing!

Now here comes the beginning of the bad. At this appointment my Dr. also asked me to go ahead and complete my one hour glucose test. I had no idea this was coming at this appointment! I knew it would be done soon, but I thought they would schedule another day for me to come in and drink the icky stuff and do the blood draw. We were finishing up the appointment when the Dr comes back in and asks if I had an hour to do the test, and I figured “Why not, I am already here!” Time to take on the dreaded gestational diabetes test! So I chugged the orange drink on the advice of the nurse. Nick cheered me on the whole time. The drink was actually not too bad going down- it tasted like Sunkist without the fizz, just very syrupy. Then came the anxious hour wait. For those of you who do not know I am a known fainter/passer outer when it comes to just about anything to do with blood, and blood draws are one of my biggest challenges. Luckily, I had Nick with me and he talked to me during the draw part and I survived. The worst of the whole experience was feeling like I could just throw that orange stuff up while I was sitting in the lobby. So we left the office and I thought, Hey I have got this behind me! We are all good. WELL that was not so much the case! Yesterday right before lunch I got a call from the Doctor’s office informing me that I had failed the 1 hour test. They like for your glucose to be at 130 and mine was 157. So now I have been scheduled for the dreaded THREE HOUR TEST! For those of you unfamiliar with that, this time I get to drink the icky drink once an hour for 3 hours and have my blood drawn once an hour for three hours! Needless to say when I found this out I just kind of lost it. I called Nick crying telling him what we had to do and how worried I was that I could indeed have gestational diabetes. He of course assured me that everything was going to be okay and he said he would go with me to the test, which I was very thankful for. I won’t bore you with all the crying details of my day yesterday, lets just say I was an emotional bag that had to go to bed early. I would like to say it was not just the test that I was upset, but the possibility of failing this test as well and having to deal with gestational diabetes. I of course spent way to much time on Google yesterday (this did not help my emotional state), but GD can be very dangerous for me and the baby if not treated correctly. I spent most of the day thinking “What could I have done wrong?” All that being said I actually have had several good friends fail the 1 hour test and have to go for the 3 hour test,  where they passed. I know this is not the worst thing in the world that could happen to me, and it will all be okay. It took me a day to get to this state of mind, but I am finally there. The Lord has blessed me with this wonderful baby and I am just going to have to lean on my faith to get me through. That being said I am asking for your prayers. I am going for the 3 hour test next Wednesday and I am praying that I pass and Eli and I continue to be healthy.

Okay if you are still reading at this point we are moving to the actual update . . .

Week 26

Size:  Still and Eggplant baby! 13.6 in to 14.8 in, weighing 1.5 to 2.2 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s eyes are forming and soon he will be practicing his blinking. According to our 3d ultrasound it looks like he is doing that. Also Baby Eli is flexing some of his feeding muscles this week, including a very strong sucking muscle. Maybe this is why he was opening and closing his mouth so much at the ultrasound? We actually did see him kind of lick/suck on his hand. So exciting how much is going on in there!

Baby Movement:  Eli is still on the move! Like our ultrasound tech said . . .He sure is active. And yes he is! He never does anything overly painful but he is not shy about letting me know he is there. Nick also gets to feel him quite often, which is very sweet.

What I Miss: Unsure right now . . .

Cravings: I honestly had been wanting a Peach milkshake from Chick-fil-a. They are so good! BUT I will now be waiting for the outcome of my gestational diabetes test before I have one. Sad smile

Overall feelings: Well, besides being somewhat of an emotional/hormonal mess yesterday (Big thanks to everyone for dealing with me on that.) I am feeling good. I actually had a great massage on Saturday that was wonderful and I do believe Eli enjoyed it as well. I honestly have no complaints, at this moment I just feel blessed.

Appointments & Coming Events: Prayers for the 3 hour glucose test on Wednesday, July 20th. We also have another appointment scheduled for August 15th where they will be doing an ultrasound for growth. Plenty coming up to look forward to!

And I will leave you with the weekly bump pic


Here we are at Week 26! Just keep us in your prayers!