Wednesday, September 14, 2011

34 & 35

So I know some of you are asking yourself where in the world have I been for the last week? Why do we have a combined week 34 & 35 blog? Well, let me ask you a question have you had one of those weeks that you would rather just block out? That is exactly how I feel about Week 34. I am going to give you the short version of week 34. It all started out with some really bad back and hip pain on Saturday and also feeling a little nauseous. The hip pain got progressively worse and by Tuesday (the day after labor day) every time I moved I just wanted to cry, the nauseous also progressed and by Tuesday I was unable to keep anything down. So I called my Dr’s office and they could get me in the next day and I thought I would be okay till then. Nick went out to mow the yard and when he came back in I had been sick and was stooped over on the bed crying because my hip hurt so bad. That is when he decided it was time to go to the hospital. We got to the hospital where they sent us straight up to Labor & Delivery where they put me in a room and started monitoring the baby. I was dehydrated and they thought I might have a kidney stone so they decided to keep me over night. The next morning I talked with the Dr. who informed me I was having sciatic nerve pain and had either caught the icky stomach bug that was going around or I had bad acid reflux. They wrote me a couple of prescriptions, recommended a chiropractic adjustment for the hip and back pain and discharged us.

I am happy to report that I went and saw my massage therapist and got the recommended chiropractic adjustment, and my back and hip pain is MUCH improved! Praise the Lord! My stomach has righted itself and I have been taking some pepcid to fight acid reflux in case that was the issue.  Now I am not going to lie to you it was no fun having to go to the hospital. BUT the “dry run” we had in Labor & Delivery actually eased my mind a lot about going in for the actually delivery. I survived getting an IV last week so I know I can handle it on the big day. I also now know how it kind of works with the nurses and what to expect with the room.  A hospital tour might have been cheaper but I think the actual experience was priceless.

There were a couple of bright spots in week 34 was the fabulous Baby Shower my wonderful friends and co-workers gave me. They did such a great job putting everything together! My only regret is that I could not eat the day we had it, but I have been enjoying all the food they sent home with me since I got to feeling better. Thanks to you all! AND we also had our Maternity Pictures on that Friday before everything started getting so bad. They were done by Affection Photography, and they were AWESOME! I should have some to share on the blog soon.

So what has been going on this week? Well, we are really getting close and I feel the need to really pull everything together. We at this point have everything we absolutely need to bring Eli home and care for him, which is a good feel. There are a few things I would still like to have, but if he were to come right now we would be ok.  Since we had our little hospital adventure I have realized it is time to pack that bag and be ready because he could literally be here anytime. Scary and exciting all at the same time!

And now for the Bump pics (34 &35):


Week 34


Week 35

I think the biggest difference in these pictures is my hair. I finally got a much needed hair cut last Friday. It looks so much better!

Now for the official update . . . .

Week 35

Size: Honeydew baby! 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and weighing in at 4.2 to 5.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s  growth is mostly in the plumping up department -- though he won't get much longer, he'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth. (He's about 15 percent right now and will be about 30 percent by full-term.) Also his hearing is totally developed. Wonder if he can hear everything we say?

Baby Movement: Eli movement has got a little different. I feel that now I get a lot of sometimes painful pokes and jabs, but he is still very active. AND I am thankful for this! I know as he gets bigger in there that the movement will get less and I am actually going to miss it Sad smile

What I Miss: I just want my body back, and I don’t mean my figure but my actual body. I am not sure if I want to share anymore.

Cravings: I am honestly glad to be eating like a normal person again, since I went for about 2 days last week eating next to nothing. At the moment I could go for some Japanese((due to a conversation I had at work today). and some Menchie’s Fro-yo. By the way, if you have not been to Menchie’s I would highly recommend it, you put together your on Fro-yo bowl with toppings! It is FABULOUS!

Overall feelings: At the moment I just feel blessed to be feeling better again!

Upcoming Events: We have a Baby Shower at church on Sunday, which is great! Our wonderful friends also gave birth to there baby this week, he was about 3 weeks early but is doing great. Welcome Miles!

I have a Dr’s appt next Tuesday this is my 1st weekly appointment, a big sign that we are getting really close! The next big event could be the Eli arrival! Smile

1 comment:

Meg O said...

Dont know if you remember or not, but I had the siatic nerve pain with Toph-- apparantly these Oaks boys like to be little pains in their Momma's butts from the very beginning... but trust me when I say, its totally worth it!!!! Im glad you have Ellen to fix you!