Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thrilled at 31


So I am sure most of you thought we would be leading off this post with an Eli pic since we had an Ultrasound this week. AND I do have some, 3D ones even, but we have not gotten them scanned yet. So come back because the will be posted. For now you will just have to do with a picture of me at 31 weeks!

So although we have no pictures to show this time but I do have plenty to share from the ultrasound. This ultrasound was to measure growth and we found out that out little baby Eli is right on track. Currently, the measured his weight at 3 lbs, 8 oz, and as the ultrasound tech said “My Belly is all Baby.” Eli was in a breech position Monday with his head up at my reads and his feet down near my cervix.  This was the 1st ultrasound that we have had where Eli decided to take a nap, he has normally been really active but not for this one! He had been really moving all morning and I guess he decided it was time to rest at ultrasound time and he was actually keeping his head on my placenta like it was a pillow. So cute! In order to get a good pic of his face the Ultrasound tech actually had to get me to lay on my side so we could get him to tilt his face and get him straight on. (I promise I will share the pics!) It was so great to hear that everything was on track! Such a blessing to have a healthy baby!

Weekly update time . . .

Week 31

Size:  Yet again a Squash Baby! 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 lbs. So see my baby is a 3.8 lbs squash!

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s going through major brain and nerve development these days. His irises now react to light, and all five senses are in working order. (He won't pick up anything from his nose until after birth, though -- smell is transferred through air, not amniotic fluid.)

Baby Movement:  I am still feeling plenty of movement and he does appear to be more active in the evening. I also understand his movements more now that I know where he is positioned. I get a lot of kicks down low and then sometimes a tightness under my right ribs, almost like I am getting head butted perhaps!

What I Miss: A normal nights sleep, but I know this may not happen again for a very long time.

Cravings: I actually had a bit of a Taco Bell craving on Sunday, and yes I got some Tacos. AND yes I regretted it later. Praise the Lord for Tums!

Overall feelings: I am honestly still feeling really good. The back pain continues as it will till this is over. My wonderful and loving husband got me a heating pad to see if that would help. He is so great, and always concerned about my comfort. I have also developed an itchy belly due to stretching skin (I think). When I say itchy I mean crazy must scratch immediately itching. So I guess it is time to get more diligent with the lotioning of the belly.

Upcoming Events:  I have my 1st Baby Shower on Saturday!!! Can not wait!!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

So... what kind of crazy squash are these? LOL! I'm so glad to hear you and Baby Eli are doing well. As usual, you look fantastic, and I look forward to seeing you Saturday!