Thursday, August 25, 2011

32 and Terrific!

What a wonderful week it has been! We had our 1st baby shower, thank you to my Sister in-law Nicole & Mother in-law Julie, and it was AWESOME! And totally worthy of a blog of its own, which we will have. So many cute things to share! We got all kinds of great stuff at our shower and I am feeling so much more prepared (stuff wise). The nursery is also coming along quite nicely. Nick got our changing table/dresser put together and I LOVE it. We also got our cubicle organizer at our shower from my parents, and I love it. The only big piece furniture we have left is a chair, which I will be borrowing from parents and we will get it in there later. As for functional/construction work we had one little snafu with a closet door. So we have a closet door to paint and put up, and when I say “we” I mean Nick Smile AND we have decorating to do!  It is all coming together and I am so excited!

Now the weekly update . . .



I figured we would start this update off with the bump pic since Eli is definitely making his mark now and I can really tell I am getting bigger weekly! I just hope I have abs again!

Size: This Squash Baby phase lasts a long time! 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 lbs. So see my baby is a 3.8 lbs squash!

Physical Features & Development: This week baby Eli should be getting into the head down position since the womb is getting cramped due to his growth and head down is his most comfortable position. As I shared with you all last week my baby is breech and I am fairly certain he is still in that position. I am sure he will move whenever he is ready.

Baby Movement: Lots of baby movement the last few days, including some rather not so nice bladder tap dancing. (sorry if that is tmi). I also have some rather painful movement up in my ribs still. Despite all this I am glad to know he is active in there and I know I will miss it when Eli is on the “other side” so to speak.

What I Miss: Ab muscles! They are truly essential for life.

Cravings: Ohhh the things I have been wanting to eat and not actually eating! Nick and I had a conversation about going to Earth Fare, which made me want Root Beer. They have my favorite brand of root beet at Earth Fare, and I am now adding that to my list of things I want after the birth. Yesterday, I developed a need for fried chicken due to seeing them make it in the move “The Help.” (Great movie by the way!) I satisfied that need to night by making a great oven baked coated chicken recipe my mother recommended.

Overall feelings: Feeling great! Still having the same back pain, but I have managed to some what harness the itchy belly with regular lotioning.  Still just feeling extremely blessed

Upcoming Events: I have a Dr’s appt on August 29th. Just a 2 weeks check up. Hard to believe that we have made it to the 2 week appointments already! Prayers for a healthy baby and momma. I am also starting to make plans for my maternity pics which I am very excited about!

Now as promised a couple of weeks ago . . .3D pics of Eli! See I did not forget!

Eli 3d

There is his sweet little face! The poor Ultrasound Tech had to work really hard to get these. Eli did not want to move at all, but she got us some pics and I am grateful for that! Most people feel he looks like Nick and I would have to agree he really favors his Daddy! We also have another pic that is kind of hard to make out so I am not going to post it where you can see a little hair. Nick had hair as a baby and I was pretty much bald so it will be interesting to see how Eli comes out. I can not wait to see what he looks like and get to know his personality.

We love you Eli!

1 comment:

Becky said...

The ultrasound pics are so precious! It was great to see you at the shower--you really do look incredible!
Also, I have some Palmers products (oil and belly butter) from when I was pregnant that I didn't use all of... if you want it, please let me know and I'll be glad to pass it on! :)