Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kris the Christmas Kitty- 3rd Blog of Christmas

So for the most part I have tried to refrain from writing to much about my cats on my blog for fear that I would be seen as one of those crazy cat people. In truth I am probably a crazy person thus in order to be true to myself and a good kitty-mommy I must make up for lost cat blogging time! So here we go . . .

Every Christmas I am reminded of the story of how Kris, my younger female cat, came to be with us. In 2006 on Christmas Eve I was coming from Nick’s house (we were engaged but not married yet) and I pulled it to the driveway of my parent’s house where I still lived and when I got out of my car I heard a small meow. I looked around searching for the source of the noise thinking it might have been one of our cats but I could not find either of them. I heard the meow again and finally found a kitten laying in one of the lawn chair cat houses.

At this point I should explain that a lawn chair cat house was an invention of my Mom’s and is simply made of a folding lawn chair that is folded into an" a frame”, a crocheted cover is placed over top of it, and then a pillow laid inside for comfort.

Okay back to the story . . .I peered into the cat house and said “Kitty, Kitty” and a small brown/gray tabby kitten meowed back at me. I reached in for it and it ran but not far and then approached me to try to get a pet. That shall we say was the beginning of the end I petted her and immediately ran inside and call my Mom to let her know that Santa had already left a gift.

She was such a pet and used to people that my parents knew she had to belong to someone, and we spent a few days trying to locate her home. My Dad made a visit to our neighbor at the time and found that the kitten belonged to the guy’s girlfriend who had moved in with him. Apparently had not been fond of the kitten and had put her outside while his girlfriend was gone hoping she would just go away.  Some people should just never be allowed near animals!!!! When Dad told them we had her he said he would come get her later but he NEVER appeared.  So she was ours!

Kris who was named such for Christmas and because we initially thought she was a boy and she was going to be “Chris.” The little girl immediately became friends with my big cat Andy and the two have been like “Milo and Otis” ever since. Andy did always need a friend!

So that is the story of my rescued Christmas Kitty- Kris.  Here are a few pics of her:



Happy 2 weeks to Christmas Eve!

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