Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 4- A Habit I Wish I Did Not Have

A habit I wish I did not have?  Hmmm, where to begin? I actually asked Nick if I had a habit that he wished I didn’t and his answer to that was “Buying shoes.” He does have a valid point about the shoe buying being a habit however it is a habit that I am HAPPY to have :) Sorry sweetie!

One  habit I would like to get rid of is the horrible tendency I have to pick at the skin at the side of my fingers. It is a nervous habit that I have had for years and is really kind of icky. Whenever I find myself in tense situation or just nervous about something I just pick at the skin on the side of my fingers sometimes until I bleed a little. Gross I know! Usually after I reach the stage where I have to wear a band-aid on my finger for a day I will quit for a week or so but I always fall right back into the habit. My wonderful Dad tried to get me to quit my picking when I was younger by telling me about infections and fingers falling off but it was to no avail.  I still have the yucky habit today. If anyone has any suggestions for kicking this one I am open to them!

The root off the finger picking habit is the dreaded and horrible “Worry.” I will admit it consumes me at times. I worry about the smallest silliest things. I am working hard on over coming this and giving my worries to God. Prayers please for this as I still struggle at times. I try to remind myself on a daily basis that I am to BLESSED to be STRESSED! I just need to pray, have faith, and let God take care of the rest!

Well, those are just a few of my bad habits there are plenty more! Please pray that I can overcome these and not develop anymore :)

1 comment:

Becky said...

I actually have this same bad habit... and when I get super nervous, I bite my nails. Shame.