Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 3- A Picture of Me and My Friends

Wow- It was so hard to narrow this one down. I have many wonderful friends that mean so much to me. So if you do not see yourself in this post do not be offended  Day11 is the same theme.




I have 2 wonderful sister in-laws that I consider to be true sisters and wonderful friends. Having Nicole and Megan as sisters and best friends is invaluable to me and I feel truly blessed to have both of them in my life .

image Megan – As Megan said on her blog we had a rather slow developing friendship and it seemed for a while we had nothing in common. As it turned out once we really got to know each other we had tons is common and now have a wonderful friendship that has been a blessing to me in so many ways. I know that I can count on Megan for everything from prayers to just listening to me vent. It is sad for me that she is so far away and we can not spend more time together. I look forward to the day we live closer to each other or well at least in the same country and can spend more time with each other. Until then we have future vacations to look forward to and plenty of Facebook! Love you SISTER!


Nicole- One of my first memories of Nicole is rooming together at a retreat at Lake Juneluska in 2004 and just laying in the room and watching Gilmore Girls. I think we have been great friends ever since. I know I can call on Nicole for anything from being my security blanket at a place to having a good girl chat. Luckily, she lives about 15 minutes away and we usually see each other once a week. Nicole is always there for me and I feel blessed to have her as a part of my life. I love you SISTER!

PS- Zumba next week for sure!


Much love to both my sisters and wonderful friends!

Ohhh and please come back for Day 11 for more of my  friends!!!

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