Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week 13

So here we are at week 13 and we got to see Baby Oaks today and hear the heart beat!!!! So exciting! Today’s ultrasound was just AWESOME! I had 2 ultrasounds early on and was only able to see a tiny blip and see the heart beat. Today we got to see so much more! Our precious Acorn was sucking its thumb and using its precious little feet to push off the side of my insides so it could bounce around! It is truly amazing to think that there is a little person moving inside me but I just can not feel it yet. Can not wait to feel the 1st Baby Oaks movements! Hearing the heart beat for the 1st time was also great and very reassuring.  Baby’s heart beat was a strong 162 bpm. Another good thing that came out today was the firm and official due date! I measured at 10/22/11 at today’s ultrasound but my doctor elected to keep me at the original 10/19/11.

I was actually nervous going into today’s appointment and was so happy to see and hear that everything is progress well. Praise the Lord! It is such a blessing to see Baby Oaks moving around and see how rapidly baby has developed. Life is truly a miracle!

Now on to the weekly update . . .

Acorn at Week 13

Size: Our baby is a PEACH this week. Well, peach sized at least. 2.9 inches and .81 ounces

Physical Features:  The precious Acorn is  forming teeth and vocal cords and baby is now approaching normal proportions with the head now only 1/3 size of the body.

What I Miss:  Well, it would be nice to sleep through the night, but I think my periodic wake ups during the night are just preparing me to be a parent!

Aversions:  Nothing!

Cravings: So I have determined that I don’t have cravings as much as “the power of suggestion.” I don’t actually randomly crave things, but I do see people eating certain things or hear people talking about certain foods and I decide I have to have it. For instance, last Saturday I was in the mall and saw 2 ladies with Petro’s Orange teas, and I had to have one. It didn’t help that I was really hot and thirsty at the time. Something similar also happened to me on Sunday, Nick’s Mom was talking about how they went to IHop for lunch and I decided right then that I needed pancakes for dinner. I ended up having Cracker Barrel ‘s French Toast, which is FABULOUS and I highly recommend it!

Overall feelings:  I still feel great! I have heart burn and indigestion still , but it is nothing that I can not deal with at the moment. I have noticed in the last week that my skin seems oily and I seem to be forming zits in odd places, like my hair line, behind my ear, and neck. I feel lucky that they are not immediately visible, and I am just praying that they don’t spread to my face. I also got back into a workout routine this week, which actually helps me keep feeling energized. A special thanks to my SIL, Nicole for doing in-home Zumba with the Preggers girl! I promise to return  the favor one day!Here’s to praying that I still continue to feel good.

Appointments & Coming Events:  My next appointment is in early May and just a regular check up.I honestly thought they would schedule my anatomy scan with this appointment but my Dr. said that they wait till 20 weeks and I will only be 17 at that appointment. HOWEVER I expect that they will schedule my anatomy scan then and I think it will be the last of May or 1st of June.

Now I know many of you are expecting a “bump” picture but I was not able to pull one together tonight. Also I really think you could take last weeks pic and paste it here since I look the same. Instead I bring to you the Acorn . . . .


See I told you there was a baby in there!!!

The picture is actually a scan of one of my ultrasound pics and is not the best quality.  It is much better in person! (I did not have a disc with pics). So in case you can not tell this is one of Baby Oaks sucking its thumb. So precious!!!

Ohhh and I promise the bump picture will be back next week!

Keep praying for us!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Wow! So awesome! They didn't do an ultrasound on me that early, so I didn't get to see our baby when it was that little. How amazing!!! It's such a powerful thing... I almost cried when I first heard the heartbeat--so emotional!
Glad you are feeling well overall--hang in there, girl! :)