Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Flowers!

Happy Spring Allergy Season to all! I don’t know about the rest of you but my allergies have been terrible the last few days. The combination of wind and pollen has given me super itchy eyes. Now despite my overall discomfort some truly beautiful things have been popping up and blooming outside. Here are a few things that happened in my yard . . .





In addition to the lavender and daffodils I also have a large snowball bush that is blooming right now. It is green at the moment but will be white soon. AND the crepe myrtle I planted at the end of fall is showing some buds, which means it survived the winter. WHOO HOO! Can not wait for the crepe myrtle to bloom it is going to be fabulous.

I found one more thing in my yard . . .


You know I had to sneak in a cat picture!

So excited to have so many of God’s beautiful creations in my yard to enjoy! Smile

1 comment:

Becky said...

See, you DO have a green thumb!! Very pretty! :)