Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fearless 15

That is right my blog friends we have arrived at 15 weeks, now if I was only really fearless. Gotta work on that! Now I have decided this week to just deliver the main event straight off. That’s right picture time!!!


Can I just say I am so glad I had a little make up on for this one. So I am starting to pop a little bit and I am sure this will be more prominent in the weeks to come. Now for the update . . .

Week 15

Size:  NAVEL ORANGE, 4.0 inches long, and weighing in at 2.5 oz

Physical Features:  The little Acorn's legs are now longer than its arms and the sweet little one is wiggling and squirmy away. Can not wait to feel those first movements!! Smile Also this week baby’s scalp hair pattern will be established for life. Who knew?! Even if they are born bald (like me) it has already been established. Isn’t the miracle of life just AWESOME!?

What I Miss:  I do miss being able to eat without heartburn, not that it has stopped me from eating the heartburn offending food! I am also having to come to terms with the fact that eventually my clothes will not fit. As most of you know I did Weight Watchers and lost some weight prior to getting pregnant, and it is hard to get out of that weight loss mind set. The thought of having to give up my “skinny” pants one day makes me a little sad. Although I know it will be due to our growing baby!

Aversions:  No changes here from last week.

Cravings: Hmmm, peanut butter things like pie and Easter eggs have been pretty popular, but they may be due to the Holiday. I also have been really enjoying strawberries.

Overall feelings: Great! I did have one small sick spell on Saturday. Nick and I hit Chick Fil A prior to going to the zoo, and on our way over there I could tell I did not feel right. We ended up coming back home for a brief pit stop and then headed on our way with me feeling much better. This is only the 2nd time I have gotten sick so I continue to feel extremely blessed.

Appointments & Coming Events:  Okay, I failed to announce a major event in the extended Oaks Family last week. On April 19th I became an Aunt again!!! Congratulations to Chris & Megan on the birth of there beautiful daughter Mela!!! She is just gorgeous! It is so excited that our little acorn already has 3 cousins- Our nephews’ Topher and Cannon and now our niece Mela! Can’t wait to have all the new babies and cousins together in November! Praise God for all his many blessings!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I love reading your updates! You'll really start to pop over the next 4-5 weeks! :)
And I so completely understand you on the weight gain.. it may have been my biggest mental obstacle, as crazy as it may sound. But once we learned the gender, and I started feeling our little girl move around, that's when it really hit me that my body isn't for me; it's for her. :)
So excited for you--you're doing great, hang in there, girl!