Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wolfman vs. Date Night

I am coming at you this week with 2 movie reviews! A big  THANKS to Megan, my sis in-law for the great idea! Imitation is the highest form of flattery

So this Friday for our weekly date night Nick and I decided to stay in and rent some movies. So off to Blockbusters we went to pick out some stuff. I immediately picked out Date Night, a comedy starring Steve Carrell and Tina Fey. I had actually wanted to see it when it came out in theaters and we never made it. Then I missed it again when it was shown at the Reel to Reel on a 2nd run. Oh, just in case you didn’t know the Reel to Reel theater in Johnson City is now doing 2nd run movies for $3.00. Now The Reel to Reel is not normally my favorite theater but for a $3.00 movie I can make it work!

Back to the story- After I selected my movie Nick decided he wanted to get another one and we looked around for a bit and he just keep going back to Wolfman, a drama/horror/thriller about a man that turns into a wolf. Hence the title! Needless to say I was a little apprehensive about the movie. I am not so blood friendly and the copy of the movie they had on Blu-ray was the Unrated Director Cut which was sure to be extra gory. BUT I told him to go ahead and get it since he really wanted to see it, I figured I could always just doze off if it got bad.

On a side note the Blockbuster guy convinced us to do the 2 movies, 2 packs of popcorn, 2 candies, and 2 drinks for $16.00. I actually thought it was a good deal but man we ate SO MUCH junk. Eating good is SO HARD, but that is another blog for another day!

Back at home with our junk food and movies, we decided to watch Date Night first. I LOVED IT! It was hilarious! Steve Carrell and Tina Fey were great together! A definite MUST SEE! Prepare for my cheesy tag line- “Date Night” will complete your Date Night. Yeah, I know I should leave the advertising to the professionals. One note, there is a little ‘language” in this movie but nothing like say Hot Tub Time Machine, which was so foul that I felt like I needed to watch Cars or something “G” rated after it was over.

Then came Wolfman . . .when we put the Blu-ray in it gave us the option of watching the “Theatrical Version” instead of the uncut one, thank goodness. I really thought we would be safer watching the ‘Theatrical Version.” Boy was I EVER WRONG! I had actually joked with Nick at Blockbuster that the 1st time I saw someone’s intestines the movie was coming out of the Blu-ray player, and sure enough we got to see some! SO GROSS!!! But like so many other bad things it was like a train wreck . . .I am repulsed yet I can’t look away! So we watched all the way to the bloody horrible end. A definite DO NOT SEE!

In conclusion, Date Night is the clear an undisputed winner of this face off and my dear husband is banned from picking out movies for at least the next 90 days!

As for me I am off to watch Date Night again before we have to take it back!

Hope these reviews help you some what and if you choose to rent Wolfman you have been warned!

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