Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ohhh We’re Half Way There . . .

ohhh oo Naked I swear  . . .as my dear nephew Topher used to sing. I know he knows the correct words to that Bon Jovi classic now but that line never grows old for me. AND I am indeed “Half Way There” this week! That right my blog friends we are at 20 weeks! YAY! Lots of good baby related news to share with you going into the big 2-0! 1st we made our first major baby related purchase . . . .



We purchased the Graco Charleston in Cherry. We made the purchase through and got a great deal and free site to store shipping. Thanks to the book Baby Bargains we knew we wanted to go with a Graco brand crib. They were billed to be the best bang for the buck. Buying the crib was a little scary it made the whole experience “more real” somehow.  Now I can hardly wait to get it and start getting the Acorns room ready.

Now the next bit of news is more pregnancy related or should I say Maternity Clothes related. So I am still able to wear my normal clothes, Praise the Lord!  However, I had a very sweet person give me an entire tote of maternity clothes. This past weekend I went through the clothes and tried them on and I am going to be able to use almost everything, such a blessing! While trying on the clothes I discovered something wonderful MATERNITY SHORTS!  So this is love . . .do do do! Maternity Shorts are FABULOUS! So comfortable! I honestly feel that everyone should get some pregnant or not! You do not have that awful button/tab thing cutting into your stomach and  they do not ride up! Needless to say all the maternity shorts will be going with me to Florida in a few weeks!

Now time for the weekly update . . .

20 Weeks

Size:  Cantaloupe sized- weighing in at 10.6 oz and measuring 6.5 inches.

Physical Features & Development: Baby is still concentrating on getting bigger. Little Acorn will gain a couple ounces and an inch or tooth this month! Precious Baby Oaks gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And baby’s taste buds are beginning to work!

Baby Movement: Baby likes to MOVE IT, MOVE IT! No big painful movements but plenty of the small nudges, pokes, and flutters. As I mentioned last week Nick has been very anxious to feel the baby move and he finally got to. It was just a small movement and he had to kind of press down, but he felt it. He was so excited! So glad that he is able to share in the experience!

What I Miss:  Nothing at the moment!

Cravings: Hmmmm, it is hard to say on this one this week. Watermelon has still been pretty high on the list. Right now I am very excited about having Fruit Pizza at the Family Picnic on Saturday Smile My Mom is making it for Baby! Baby likes the best stuff!

Overall feelings: Well, physically I am great! But man those pregnancy hormones have been in full gear. I do at times feel a little edgy and my fuse seems to shorter than usual. Some of this could be attributed to just normal life stress, but  sometimes I can just tell that the hormones are in full force and my filter is not working. That being said I would like to apologize in advance for anything I say that might just be a little insensitive! It is the pregnancy hormones talking! Still feel blessed to feel physically well!

Appointments & Coming Events: 5 DAYS till June 8th! Prayers for a healthy baby and a cooperative baby are requested!

Ohhh I almost forgot . . . .


Everyone wave hello to Baby Oaks! I do believe he or she is definitely making an appearance now!

1 comment:

Becky said...

YAY for the first baby purchase!! And congrats on still fitting into your clothes, lol! Maternity clothes are awesome though--so comfy! :)
Good luck with the appt next week--can't wait to hear all about it!