Wednesday, June 15, 2011

22 and Still Tickled Blue


Well, here we are folks at 22 weeks and time is flying by at a rapid rate. I wasn’t actually sure this blog post would happen this week due to our vacation which is about 1 1/2 days AWAY! On Friday we leave for Orlando where we will being in our good friends wedding on Saturday and then on to Disney World! Yes, we are flying which my doctor has assured me is no problem. She did however caution me about not getting overheated or dehydrated in the parks. So I am gearing up to take it easy and have all the fun I can! One thing I do plan on doing is some SHOPPING! I am almost certain that our precious little Eli will be getting plenty of Disney things. Full disclosure it really would not matter if it were Disney stuff or not I am almost powerless against cute baby things right now. I do feel I have managed to control myself pretty well thus far, but Disney will be tough. It is so fun to be ‘Tickled Blue” and excited about have a baby boy.

Now before I have to head back to packing lets have the Weekly Update . . .

Week 22

Size:  Eli is PAPAYA sized this week!  Length 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weighing in at 12.7 to 20.8 oz

Physical Features & Development: Our baby can furrow his brow. And now he's actually getting eyebrows to do it with! These fine hairs, like the hair on his scalp, don't contain any pigment yet—they're pure white. His eyelids are completely developed too, though they're fused shut until about 28 weeks.

Baby Movement:  Still lots of movement here! One of the weekly update e-mails I receive said that baby actually develops a sleeping/waking pattern that I can detect by his movements. At this point I am not sure if I can detect a real pattern, but I have noticed that he does get pretty active around 10pm. I have also noticed that the movements are getting harder. I had one instance this week where Eli seemed to be somewhat unhappy that he had a seat belt on him. Know matter how hard or uncomfortable they get I still love to feel Eli moving around.

What I Miss:  I did have one longing for some sushi this week. specifically a California Roll.

Cravings: Ohhh cravings- I still do not truly crave anything , but I did rather enjoy eating some Mini Strawberry Fig Newton's today, something I have not had in years! AND I am looking forward to having some more tomorrow.

Overall feelings: Feeling good and ready to go on vacation so I can de-stress for a while! I have been suffering from some congestion mostly when I wake up in the morning not sure if it is pregnancy or allergy related, but either way it is not so bad that I can not handle it.

Appointments & Coming Events:  Of course my next appointment is not till July 11th where we do get another peek at our little blessing. I would also like to send a shoot out to 2 of my good friend that are expecting and have due dates that are rapidly approaching. Love both you girls and will be keeping you in my prayers! Can not wait to meet TR and Baby Tank- Eli’s buddy and girlfriend (only if they want to be)!

Please as always keep praying for us!

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