Thursday, May 19, 2011

Excellent at 18!!!

Well, we are going straight for the bump shot tonight because as a good friend  said I have POPPED . . .


Yes, I do believe that Baby Oaks decided to make an appearance this week. Smile I was telling another good friend this week that I kind of had a feeling last week that the baby was growing or something was happening because I had just been so hungry. Which I know you really could attribute to just normally pregnancy or well anything , but I just felt like it meant hungry and growing baby. Then the bump appeared, so I feel the 2 are related, but once again I am no expert!

So now for the official update . . .


Size:  Our little SWEET POTATO!  5.6 inches and 6.7 ounces

Physical Features & Development: Our little Acorn is  becoming amazingly mobile passing the hours yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing.  Also this week, the bones of the ear become fully formed along with the part of Baby’s brain that processes signals from the ears.

Baby Movement: So I am going to go on record and say that I felt  Baby Oaks move on Tuesday night. I was laying on the futon in Nick’ s office and I was almost asleep when I felt a “Poke.” It kind of jolted me and I was like “That was different.” It was very exciting and now I lay down every night and wait in anticipation for another little poke. So wonderful and such an AMAZING feeling!!!

What I Miss:  Nothing!!! Everything is a BLESSING right now! I think it may be time to eliminate this category.

Cravings: Man, to be honest right now I want a Banana Pudding Milkshake from Chick Fil A, but I think that is because my Mom and I just talked about milkshakes on the phone. The power of suggestion strikes again!

Overall feelings: Really good! I have experienced a few tension headaches in the last week, but it was manageable. I did miss my mid morning snack on Monday and went to see the PA at work because I felt off. He informed me I needed to eat something and hydrated. Note to everyone: Pregnant women CAN NOT miss their snacks or meals! I also got in my 2 normal workouts this week, which included one night of Zumba. It was great to be at Zumba and I hope to keep going as long as I can.

Appointments & Coming Events: Umm . . ..  JUNE 8th!!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Aw, your bump is so cute! Love it! And big YAY on feeling Baby Oaks! It is so very exciting.. and I'll tell you, even at week 34 it doesn't get old or mundane to feel the baby move around. :)
Now I want a milkshake... lol!