Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feeling some Love for the Winter Olympics

So every evening for the last week my life has been pretty much consumed with the WINTER OLYMPICS in Vancouver. Now normally I am more a Summer Olympics kind of girl, but I have been pretty into all these cold sports this go around. I even missed the 1st 5 minutes of LOST this week because I was watching some kind of down hill skiing. If you know me this says a lot, I am a die hard Lostie who never misses a moment!

Let me just state the obvious some of these sports look pretty dangerous. I mean some of these people are sliding down these snow covered hills, and ice packed tracks faster than Clark W. Griswold did in that sledding fiasco in Christmas Vacation. How do you ever get the nerve up to make that 1st ski jump?!

That being said I would just like to let everyone know that the only place you will ever find me at a Ski Resort is the SPA.

Me + Skis/Snowboard+Cold/Icy Surface= Broken body parts

I am just to much of a klutz for this kind of stuff. Plus I honestly just do not like to be cold. Call me a priss, call me a coward, call me whatever you want that is just how I am.

In all my Winter Olympic watching my favorite Olympics event thus far has been Snowboarding.

Two words- SHAUN WHITE

This dude is seriously awesome! If you don’t believe me just watch.

Not only is he just an unbelievable snowboarder, but he also has signature hair. It kind of looks like Carrot Top and Robert Plant got together on the same head of hair.



Carrot Top


Robert Plant


Shaun White- See what I am saying??


I have a great amount of respect for Shaun White and all his fellow Olympic athletes. They all have a passion and drive for there respective sports that is beyond belief. Many have dedicated there entire life to getting to the Olympics and maybe they will never make it to the podium but they will get to compete and represent there country. To me that is what the Olympics are all about! Well that and some really cool opening and closing ceremonies!

With that I must return to NBC and see what I have missed!


C’mon you know you want to chant it with me!

1 comment:

Meg O said...