Sunday, November 1, 2009

Family/ Hair/ Spooky Food & Fun

Okay so I have 3 different unrelated things to write about:

1. Saying See Ya Later to Family

2. New Hair Do

3. Spooky Food & Fun

So without further ado away we go . . .. .


Saying “See ya Later” to family 

I hate to say good bye especially when you plan on seeing someone again and since we do plan on seeing Chris, Megan, and the boys again I think See Ya Later is more appropriate. Chris and Megan are currently stationed in Italy (I know it stinks to be them) with the Air Force and recently came back to Tennessee for a month for Nicole & John’s wedding and to visit with family and friends. We loved getting to spend time with all of them and would like to especially thank Chris & Megan for indulging us in a sushi night at Edo’s. We had a lot of fun! It was also fun to be an Auntie “in person” for a while. Topher and Cannon had grown up so much since we saw them last and they were just so much fun to be with.

IMG_0306IMG_0294  IMG_0305 image I totally stole this pic from you Megan

We love you all very much and it was sad to see you go BUT we are still planning on visiting!

New Hair DO

Well, I have been stuck in a style rut for at least 7 years. Ohh it even hurts me to type that. I have had the same hair style for that long. I have always had long curly hair, easy and maintenance free. But there does reach a time when you need something different and well that time came for me on Friday. I had promised everyone shorter and straighter hair and I do realized I failed in one of those area. My hair dresser is a bit conservative and I think she was afraid that if she cut it all it once I might freak out. So I will be going back to get a little more length off, however the straighter hair did happen and I LOVE IT! When I looked in the mirror I almost don’t recognize myself. The only bad part is the time it takes- me, the hair dryer and the straightener are going to be spending a lot of time together and I hope the three of us will become much quicker at making this happen. The price we pay for beauty! I liked my curly hair but for 7 years I was pretty much a one trick pony so it is good to have another option!


Spooky Food & Fun

This section has been reserved for all the good food and fun I had this week.

First off on date night Nick and I got blizzards from Dairy Queen. Well, for some reason I was in the mood for something different than my usual Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. So I tried something new- the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard and it so paid off. It was FABULOUS! It tasted just like pumpkin pie and they even put whip cream and a little nutmeg on top. My mouth is watering just thinking about it! Trust me on this one you need to try this!

Also on date night I convinced Nick that we should rent The Proposal and it was also FABULOUS! Nick even enjoyed it! I don’t want to give to much of the plot away for those who have not seen it, but that scene in the woods with Betty White and Sandra Bullock chanting was just TOO MUCH! So funny! I think I will definitely be asking for this one for Christmas!

So I know some of you are wondering where the spooky food comes in so here it is . . .on Halloween Day we went over to John & Nicole’s place to watch the game. Go Vols- they beat SC and wore awesome black jerseys. Anyway, since it was Halloween we had festive food for the occasion.

IMG_0347Papa Murphy’s did a Jack O’ Lantern pizza for $5.99. So CUTE and yummy!  By the way if you live in the JC area and have not tried Papa Murphy’s,I HIGHLY recommend them. They have take-n-bake pizza and it is SO GOOD. Our personal favorite it “The Perfect”, half Hawaiian & Half Pepperoni. Okay, back to the spooky food . . .


Nicole made AWESOME tombstone brownies with little ghosst and everything. Not only did they look festive but they tasted FABULOUS!


Yay- for another wonderful, festive, and FABULOUS week!

1 comment:

Meg O said...

"See ya later Sea-ster!" So glad we got to spend time with yall, looking forward to next year when maybe you, Nicole and I can have a ladies night! Love you!