Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just too Hormonal- Week 29

Ohhh week 29 has been kind of like what they say about March- it came in like a hormonal lion and appears to be leaving like a hormonal lamb. I honestly hate to write another whiney blog so I am going to keep this as brief as possible and get to the happy Eli update.

So my Doctor finally called this week to ask me to reschedule my 3 hour glucose test. If you remember I actually passed out at that test 2 weeks ago and Nick and I decided we would not be going back to do it again. Too much stress for all of us! So when my Doctor called to reschedule I told them I would not be doing that again and explained that I had passed out. So she told if I could not do the test again that they would just go ahead and say I have Gestational Diabetes and send me to class to get a monitor, etc. Well, I had a Doctor’s appointment the same day I found out about this so Nick went with me to try to talk to her about how the testing was done and ask a few questions, and we basically got the question that she did not want to talk to us about it and the decision was made. So to make a long story short I did go to the GD class and I have been trying to follow the diet to the best of my ability (it is not to bad, just card counting) but as far as sticking myself still no success in that area. I have changed my next appointment to another OB in my office, actually the one I used to go to prior to getting pregnant. We just want to be heard and properly diagnosed. I think if I could fast for the one hour test that the outcome would be different. Needless to say all of this has caused me a lot of emotional and hormonal stress, but I am in a better place now. I would like to issue an official apology to anyone who had to be around me earlier this week, I know it was not easy and I am very sorry.

Now for some good news- we have a coat of paint up in Eli’s room and it already looks great. I also ordered our crib mattress from Amazon today! Everything is coming together, which is very exciting! He will be here before we know it.

Update time . . .

Week 29

Size:  Squash Baby! And this is not a skinny yellow squash but like a small pumpkin looking squash. 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli is looking more like a full-term baby, too.He’s plumping up nicely; the surface of his skin is smoother and paler because of the fat he’s starting to gain. This fat will be an important factor in the ability to keep warm. Our baby also has eyelashes!

Baby Movement:  Still plenty to feel and I have confirmed in the last couple of days that baby Eli is having hiccups. I feel bad for him, I always hate getting the hiccups. Nick always love to feel for the baby and whenever he presses down, Eli presses back! It is so sweet!

What I Miss:  I am slowly starting to miss having more wardrobe choices. As my belly grows my clothing options shrink. I guess this means I need to do more shopping Smile

Cravings: The last 2 days I have been doing the GD diet so cravings are kind of out the window. I did satisfy one craving over the weekend. I had some awesome hot fudge cake! I few minutes ago I just saw a commercial for Carrabba’s wood fire pizza and now I could go for some pizza. The power of suggestion still reigns supreme!

Overall feelings: At this moment the only complaint I have is some back pain, and I can only imagine it is going to get worse, but I know it is because my Eli is growing. I am emotionally doing really well now and I am thankful for that. I know that this pregnancy is a gift and that I need to keep the FAITH and not let my emotions over take me.

Upcoming Events: Exciting baby shower to attend for my friend Katherine on Sunday! Can not wait to see her! Our next Dr.’s appt and Ultrasound is on 8/15. Can not wait to see our little Eli! AND last but not least my 1st baby shower on 8/20!

Despite my hormonal/emotional week I still feel continual blessed!

Ohhh I almost forgot . . . .


Here is the bump pic. Wave “hey” to Eli!

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