Wednesday, August 31, 2011

33- Change is on the Way


So I guess we can all take one look at this picture and know that a big CHANGE is coming! A good change! I think it really hit me this week how quickly it is actually approaching. I actually woke up at 4am a couple of nights ago and could not go to sleep due to everything running through my head.  The birth, the coming home, the stuff that is still to be done . . .you name it I was thinking about it. I would also like to take this time to stay that I have not officially band myself from reading birth stories on the internet! Just not a good idea!  All that being said I am not sure if we are at all ready for Eli’s arrival (is possible to be really ready?). BUT I do know we are very excited to meet him! My Mom and Dad framed one of my 3d Ultrasound pics for me, which I placed in the living room and I find myself constantly looking at him. I might be slightly worried about you coming out Eli but I can not wait too hold you!

In other news I had a good Doctor’s appt this week. The doctor said I was looking good and Eli is measuring right on track! Very good news! And according to the Doctor my belly is truly all baby!

Now time for the normal update . . .

Week 33

Size: Honeydew baby! (Finally we changed from the Squash). 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and weighing in at 4.2 to 5.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli may grow up to a full inch this week alone, and his brain is developing like crazy. Pretty soon, he'll be able to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Also, his bones are hardening, and he's started to keep his eyes open when he's awake.

Baby Movement: Still tons of Eli movement! Almost like he has happy feet like his Mom! I know at our last Ultrasound Eli was breech and I know he has moved around since then but I am not sure he is yet in the good head down position. The funniest part of all his movements is my now noticeable shifting belly. I have had several people now be able to spot where the baby Eli is positioned based on the shape of the belly. Nick was particularly fascinated by this! Not all movements are sweet and fun I had a rather painful shift during lunch today almost like he was sliding his elbow around and digging it in at the same time!

What I Miss: Sleeping WITHOUT a body pillow. I truly hate having all that extra stuff in the bed!

Cravings: I have a good one this week . . .BANANAS! I talked to my Dr. about my truly horrible foot and leg cramps at my appointment. He said it was either a lack of calcium of potassium. He recommend several things to make sure I get more in my diet and the one for potassium was bananas. So I went and bought a bunch of bananas and put one in my little cooler/lunch box to take to work. So that afternoon when I took my banana out it was good and cold AND the best thing I had eaten all day. I cracked my friend at work up because I was so excited about my yummy cold banana. So now I am all about my banana a day, and I have been trying to find other banana things to eat. My parents are coming over for labor day and we are having . . .you guessed it . . .Banana Pudding Smile I can not wait!

Overall feelings: Feeling good and very blessed! I do have some leg/foot cramps, stretching belly pain, itchy belly, back pain, etc. But so far it is all very manageable!

Upcoming Events: I have a work Baby Shower  next week that I am excited about!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

32 and Terrific!

What a wonderful week it has been! We had our 1st baby shower, thank you to my Sister in-law Nicole & Mother in-law Julie, and it was AWESOME! And totally worthy of a blog of its own, which we will have. So many cute things to share! We got all kinds of great stuff at our shower and I am feeling so much more prepared (stuff wise). The nursery is also coming along quite nicely. Nick got our changing table/dresser put together and I LOVE it. We also got our cubicle organizer at our shower from my parents, and I love it. The only big piece furniture we have left is a chair, which I will be borrowing from parents and we will get it in there later. As for functional/construction work we had one little snafu with a closet door. So we have a closet door to paint and put up, and when I say “we” I mean Nick Smile AND we have decorating to do!  It is all coming together and I am so excited!

Now the weekly update . . .



I figured we would start this update off with the bump pic since Eli is definitely making his mark now and I can really tell I am getting bigger weekly! I just hope I have abs again!

Size: This Squash Baby phase lasts a long time! 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 lbs. So see my baby is a 3.8 lbs squash!

Physical Features & Development: This week baby Eli should be getting into the head down position since the womb is getting cramped due to his growth and head down is his most comfortable position. As I shared with you all last week my baby is breech and I am fairly certain he is still in that position. I am sure he will move whenever he is ready.

Baby Movement: Lots of baby movement the last few days, including some rather not so nice bladder tap dancing. (sorry if that is tmi). I also have some rather painful movement up in my ribs still. Despite all this I am glad to know he is active in there and I know I will miss it when Eli is on the “other side” so to speak.

What I Miss: Ab muscles! They are truly essential for life.

Cravings: Ohhh the things I have been wanting to eat and not actually eating! Nick and I had a conversation about going to Earth Fare, which made me want Root Beer. They have my favorite brand of root beet at Earth Fare, and I am now adding that to my list of things I want after the birth. Yesterday, I developed a need for fried chicken due to seeing them make it in the move “The Help.” (Great movie by the way!) I satisfied that need to night by making a great oven baked coated chicken recipe my mother recommended.

Overall feelings: Feeling great! Still having the same back pain, but I have managed to some what harness the itchy belly with regular lotioning.  Still just feeling extremely blessed

Upcoming Events: I have a Dr’s appt on August 29th. Just a 2 weeks check up. Hard to believe that we have made it to the 2 week appointments already! Prayers for a healthy baby and momma. I am also starting to make plans for my maternity pics which I am very excited about!

Now as promised a couple of weeks ago . . .3D pics of Eli! See I did not forget!

Eli 3d

There is his sweet little face! The poor Ultrasound Tech had to work really hard to get these. Eli did not want to move at all, but she got us some pics and I am grateful for that! Most people feel he looks like Nick and I would have to agree he really favors his Daddy! We also have another pic that is kind of hard to make out so I am not going to post it where you can see a little hair. Nick had hair as a baby and I was pretty much bald so it will be interesting to see how Eli comes out. I can not wait to see what he looks like and get to know his personality.

We love you Eli!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thrilled at 31


So I am sure most of you thought we would be leading off this post with an Eli pic since we had an Ultrasound this week. AND I do have some, 3D ones even, but we have not gotten them scanned yet. So come back because the will be posted. For now you will just have to do with a picture of me at 31 weeks!

So although we have no pictures to show this time but I do have plenty to share from the ultrasound. This ultrasound was to measure growth and we found out that out little baby Eli is right on track. Currently, the measured his weight at 3 lbs, 8 oz, and as the ultrasound tech said “My Belly is all Baby.” Eli was in a breech position Monday with his head up at my reads and his feet down near my cervix.  This was the 1st ultrasound that we have had where Eli decided to take a nap, he has normally been really active but not for this one! He had been really moving all morning and I guess he decided it was time to rest at ultrasound time and he was actually keeping his head on my placenta like it was a pillow. So cute! In order to get a good pic of his face the Ultrasound tech actually had to get me to lay on my side so we could get him to tilt his face and get him straight on. (I promise I will share the pics!) It was so great to hear that everything was on track! Such a blessing to have a healthy baby!

Weekly update time . . .

Week 31

Size:  Yet again a Squash Baby! 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 lbs. So see my baby is a 3.8 lbs squash!

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s going through major brain and nerve development these days. His irises now react to light, and all five senses are in working order. (He won't pick up anything from his nose until after birth, though -- smell is transferred through air, not amniotic fluid.)

Baby Movement:  I am still feeling plenty of movement and he does appear to be more active in the evening. I also understand his movements more now that I know where he is positioned. I get a lot of kicks down low and then sometimes a tightness under my right ribs, almost like I am getting head butted perhaps!

What I Miss: A normal nights sleep, but I know this may not happen again for a very long time.

Cravings: I actually had a bit of a Taco Bell craving on Sunday, and yes I got some Tacos. AND yes I regretted it later. Praise the Lord for Tums!

Overall feelings: I am honestly still feeling really good. The back pain continues as it will till this is over. My wonderful and loving husband got me a heating pad to see if that would help. He is so great, and always concerned about my comfort. I have also developed an itchy belly due to stretching skin (I think). When I say itchy I mean crazy must scratch immediately itching. So I guess it is time to get more diligent with the lotioning of the belly.

Upcoming Events:  I have my 1st Baby Shower on Saturday!!! Can not wait!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Can’t Believe we have 10 weeks to Go!- 30

10 weeks! 10 weeks! I am not sure if I should run around in a panic or just sit here in shock. Luckily, we have made some really good progress on little Eli’s room. Nick completed all the wall painting and touch up last weekend and then we put the CRIB up!IMG_1999

Whoo hoo! After we got the crib up I went on a bit of an ordering spree trying to get the other things that we would need. I ordered the changing table/dressed we had picked out and it is set to arrive next week. Sadly, it has to be assembled and it looks rather complicated. I also ordered some letters to spell out Elijah on the wall in his room. I also picked up some curtains to go in his room. We do not have a rod to put them on yet but I hope to remedy that this weekend. So things are coming together and I hope to be posting a completed Eli’s Room blog very soon!

Now on to the update . . . .


Size:  Still a Squash Baby! 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s brain just keeps getting more wrinkled, which is a good thing. All those grooves and indentations increase surface area, meaning more room for that oh-so-essential brain tissue. He is also adding some brawn – his grip is now strong enough to grasp a finger.

Baby Movement:  Ohh the Eli movement this week has been something else. As I explained to Nick it is not so much little pokes and flutters any more, but more like complete body shifts. I have felt a few kicks up in my rib area now. I also noticed I get movement down low and up high at the same time, almost like he is moving his hands and feet simultaneously. Eli is probably at his most active after 9pm, and last night we had some friends over and from 9-10 they actually got to watch my belly do weird things with all the Eli movement.

 What I Miss: IBUPROPHEN! I know I have posted this before, but I seriously have missed this. I actually told Nick that once Eli is out I want one whether I need it OR not!

Cravings: I have tried so hard to be a good little eater this week and I believe have been successful for the most part. I did kind of have a powerful need for peanut butter cookies and I fought it pretty much all week. Then we decided to have some friends over last night and they seemed the perfect excuse to make some since other people could eat them too Smile 

Overall feelings: I truly feel good and hate complain about anything. I continue to have some pretty icky back pain, but I know that is something I will just have to deal with until this is over. One thing I learned this week is that I can not longer turn over at night like a normal person. I went to pull myself over one night this week and got this terrible pain that started from my back and ran all the way around to my belly. Apparently without those oh so important ab muscles you can’t just pull yourself over anymore. Who knew! So I am definitely more aware of the way I move and maneuver myself. I sleep okay at night but wake up very sore. I have been sleeping with a body pillow which helps some, but have been considering buying one of those Snoogle pillows. I think it might make me a little more comfortable.

Upcoming Events: Monday, August 15th we get to see our Eli! We have an ultrasound to measure growth! Prayers for a healthy baby!

And last but not least the 30 week pic . . . .


Most people have commented that there is a huge difference between this week and last and well I would have to agree. We definitely have a baby on board!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just too Hormonal- Week 29

Ohhh week 29 has been kind of like what they say about March- it came in like a hormonal lion and appears to be leaving like a hormonal lamb. I honestly hate to write another whiney blog so I am going to keep this as brief as possible and get to the happy Eli update.

So my Doctor finally called this week to ask me to reschedule my 3 hour glucose test. If you remember I actually passed out at that test 2 weeks ago and Nick and I decided we would not be going back to do it again. Too much stress for all of us! So when my Doctor called to reschedule I told them I would not be doing that again and explained that I had passed out. So she told if I could not do the test again that they would just go ahead and say I have Gestational Diabetes and send me to class to get a monitor, etc. Well, I had a Doctor’s appointment the same day I found out about this so Nick went with me to try to talk to her about how the testing was done and ask a few questions, and we basically got the question that she did not want to talk to us about it and the decision was made. So to make a long story short I did go to the GD class and I have been trying to follow the diet to the best of my ability (it is not to bad, just card counting) but as far as sticking myself still no success in that area. I have changed my next appointment to another OB in my office, actually the one I used to go to prior to getting pregnant. We just want to be heard and properly diagnosed. I think if I could fast for the one hour test that the outcome would be different. Needless to say all of this has caused me a lot of emotional and hormonal stress, but I am in a better place now. I would like to issue an official apology to anyone who had to be around me earlier this week, I know it was not easy and I am very sorry.

Now for some good news- we have a coat of paint up in Eli’s room and it already looks great. I also ordered our crib mattress from Amazon today! Everything is coming together, which is very exciting! He will be here before we know it.

Update time . . .

Week 29

Size:  Squash Baby! And this is not a skinny yellow squash but like a small pumpkin looking squash. 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighing in at 2.5 to 3.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli is looking more like a full-term baby, too.He’s plumping up nicely; the surface of his skin is smoother and paler because of the fat he’s starting to gain. This fat will be an important factor in the ability to keep warm. Our baby also has eyelashes!

Baby Movement:  Still plenty to feel and I have confirmed in the last couple of days that baby Eli is having hiccups. I feel bad for him, I always hate getting the hiccups. Nick always love to feel for the baby and whenever he presses down, Eli presses back! It is so sweet!

What I Miss:  I am slowly starting to miss having more wardrobe choices. As my belly grows my clothing options shrink. I guess this means I need to do more shopping Smile

Cravings: The last 2 days I have been doing the GD diet so cravings are kind of out the window. I did satisfy one craving over the weekend. I had some awesome hot fudge cake! I few minutes ago I just saw a commercial for Carrabba’s wood fire pizza and now I could go for some pizza. The power of suggestion still reigns supreme!

Overall feelings: At this moment the only complaint I have is some back pain, and I can only imagine it is going to get worse, but I know it is because my Eli is growing. I am emotionally doing really well now and I am thankful for that. I know that this pregnancy is a gift and that I need to keep the FAITH and not let my emotions over take me.

Upcoming Events: Exciting baby shower to attend for my friend Katherine on Sunday! Can not wait to see her! Our next Dr.’s appt and Ultrasound is on 8/15. Can not wait to see our little Eli! AND last but not least my 1st baby shower on 8/20!

Despite my hormonal/emotional week I still feel continual blessed!

Ohhh I almost forgot . . . .


Here is the bump pic. Wave “hey” to Eli!