Wednesday, July 6, 2011

25 and Anxious

So it is safe to say that I got a little anxious this week about the little ways off but still close arrival of our little Eli. 2 thoughts hit me this week- What do I know about babies? and Eli has to come out eventually! Now mind you I did think about all this before I got pregnant, but have found up till now that it is easier just to put these thoughts in the back of my mind. AND just assume that the stork was coming. With my wonderful friends bringing there babies into the world last week it was time to re-address these anxious thoughts.What can I do about any of these concerns? Well, I did do some reading up but I know ultimately that I will have to trust God and pray that those motherly instincts will kick in. I know they will. As for getting him out I just need to pray and not worry. Worrying will not help anything!

On a lighter note we have officially begun preparations for Eli’s room. Nick cleaned all of his stuff out of the closet in there and I hauled off several trash bags of stuff that needed to go to Goodwill. We have a little more cleaning out to do, which I hope to do before the weekend. Then, Nick can start painting and install the new lighting this weekend. It feels so good to have his room underway and I can not wait to have it finished. AND finally have the crib up! Speaking of cribs we still have to order a mattress. Anyone have any recommendations on that?

Now on to the main events . . . .

Weekly Bump Pic . . .


Here we are at Week 25!

Week 25

Size:  EGGPLANT baby! 13.6 in to 14.8 in long and weighing in at 1.5 to 2.2 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s sense of equilibrium is kicking in and he is learning to distinguish right side up from upside down. Baby Eli’s hands are now fully developed and he is exploring.

Baby Movement:  Well, I can definitely tell that Eli is in explorer mode. Giving my expanding belly I actually felt him up a little higher a couple of times in the last week. I can also tell that he can hear sounds. He had a pretty good reaction to the fireworks Nick set off at a friends house last night. The best, thus far, was his reaction to Dr. Enuf.I had decided to try out some Dr. Enuf to help my continuous calf cramp. So I went and bought some not knowing the caffeine content or that they made it caffeine free. Dr. Enuf actually has more caffeine than Mellow Yellow, I drank 1/2 of a 10 oz and Eli went kind of crazy in there. Granted it was around one of his normal activity times, but his movements were definitely heightened. Needless, to say if we try Dr. Enuf again we will be searching for the caffeine free Smile

What I Miss: Being able to eat tomato based foods and sauces without getting heartburn!!!

Cravings: Movie theater popcorn was kind of a biggie over the weekend. I literally just wanted to go to a movie to get the good popcorn. So Nick being the wonderful husband he is took me to see Pirates 4 and ordered a large popcorn. It was wonderful- the popcorn that is. The movie was okay. I am also still into watermelon pretty heavy and have taken to eat some red raspberries! I am going to seriously miss berry and fruit season when it is over. Ohhh and I have had an up tick in my appetite in the last few days, Eli must be growing!!!

Overall feelings: I know I say this every week but I honestly feel blessed! I still feel good, I do have some issues, but really it is all just a blessing! In the last week I did feel anxious about Eli coming but I think that is normal for any mom to-be.  My heartburn and indigestion did seem a little worse this week. I have also had some issues with leg/calve cramps as mentioned above the movement section. Congestion in the morning has also been a bit of a problem but it is hard to tell if it is pregnancy or just allergy. I know this sounds like a laundry list of problems but I really feel great!

Appointments & Coming Events: Nick and I both are very excited about our Ultrasound on Monday. Can not wait to see Eli again, praying for a happy/healthy baby! So make sure to check us out next week we should have new pics of Elijah Nicholas.

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