Thursday, June 9, 2011

It’s A BOY!!!- Week 21

Wow, what an amazing week it has been! Well, for those of you who don’t know we found out yesterday that Baby Oaks is a BOY!! And we could not be more excited!!! Yesterday, was truly a wonderful day it is so great to finally know more about our little blessing. Going into the appointment most everyone including Nick and myself thought that our little acorn was going to be a girl. I even told the Ultrasound Tech that most people were guessing “girl” and about that time the important parts popped up on the screen and she asked- “Well, what do you think you are having?” I said It’s a Boy! It was OH So Obvious!  I am going to save those and share them with my sons’ date on prom night! (Just kidding, Kinda!) Nick and I are over joyed to be having a boy! Nick can’t wait to start teaching him all the manly stuff- hunting, fishing, guns, etc. I will make my mark as well, Football, Music, and just being Mama’s little man. And, yes we did buy him his first UT onesie on Wednesday! We have to start getting him ready because he could be here by the Alabama game! (Just to be perfectly honest this would have happened for a girl as well). So many wonderful things to look forward too! During our appointment Our little boy was quite a mover, as I suspected he would be based on all the movement I have been feeling myself. He would look at us during the ultrasound and then turn his head and just wiggle around, it was so sweet! It is really quite amazing all they scan for at these appointments. Everything looked good on our little man, the Doctor did tell us one of his kidney’s was a little full and she wanted to do another ultrasound at our next appointment to check on it. She also said it was nothing to worry or concern about and was common in boys. So naturally I am trying not to worry, but I do ask that you keep him in your prayers! He is weighing in at 13oz and is currently positioned head down. Now the moment I know you have been waiting for . . . .

Elijah Nicholas Oaks . . . .ELI


There HE IS our little Eli! Such a sweet and adorable face! So excited and over joyed! It is such a gift from God to have baby on the way! Can not wait to meet him! I know it is almost impossible to know , but we are already trying to guess who he will look like and color on the hair and eyes. Since Nick and I look kinda different (except for pale skin) our baby is bit of a wild card. Feel free to share your thoughts and guesses.

Now just to make this the longest blog EVER, I bring you . . .


Size:  Banana Baby! Weighing in at 12.7 oz, and 10.5 inches long. Now as I already shared Eli is as 13.0 oz, and I did not get how long he was I will have to ask next time.

Physical Features & Development: Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion, and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. Also little Eli is starting to sleep and wake in a subtle cycle.

Baby Movement:  Plenty of Baby movement happening! Nick has actually been able to feel him a couple of good times now, and is planning on poking him a bit tonight to see if he can get him to move. Not sure how that is going to work, but it will be sweet to see him do it.

What I Miss:  How could I miss anything this week. Too much to be excited about!

Cravings: This week has been a weird eating week since we have had VBS everynight so we have just been eating quick. We did have a celebration lunch yesterday at Cracker Barrel (My choice), where I got some wonderful Mac n’ Cheese. That really hit the spot!

Overall feelings: Doing well this week and the hormones seem to be in better shape. Indegestion has been bad this week, but I can totally deal with that! I have also had some of what they call round ligament pain. This is normal during pregnancy especially during the 2nd tri, according to the books I have.  It can be uncomfortable at times, but has been easy to manage thus far.

Appointments & Coming Events:  My next appointment is July 11th. Right now the next upcoming event is a trip to Florida complete with the wedding of some wonderful friends and a trip to Disney. So I am gearing up to battle the heat and stay hydrated! Also all those Eli room preparations will begin now so I am sure there will be a blog coming about that. Plenty happening! Such a blessing!

Ohhh I almost forgot . . .


Bump pic!

Please keep us all in your prayers!


Leslie said...

Our kids have turned out to be a good mix of us both - Andrew's face looks like Wade's but he has my coloring (pale, freckled skin and red hair); Elizabeth's face looks like mine (or so I'm told) but she has Wade's coloring (average skin color and chestnut brown hair with some blonde and auburn highlights although Wade is all gray now LOL).

I'll be praying about his kidneys. I'm sure it's nothing but hey, you'll get another viewing of your precious Eli! ;)

Becky said...

How fun! I'm glad he moved around for you! Our girl was totally laid back during our ultrasound, and I even tried to get her worked up with a large sweet tea before the appt, lol! Isn't it incredible to see the baby on an ultrasound?? SO very excited for you guys!