How often do you see the word “tubular” ins a blog title?! How 80’s is that! Or maybe I am just getting desperate for “T” words that go with 24. Either way we have reached week 24 and I know some of you have to wondering, “What happened to week 23?” Well, I must apologize for the lack of a week 23 update. We were on vacation last week and totally taken over by the magic of Walt Disney World so there was not and will not be a week 23 baby update. HOWEVER there will be vacation blog that will reference Baby Eli so be on the look out for that.
Now lets get right down to it with the Baby Bump Pic:
So it is safe to say we have had some growth in this area! I am still able to wear my regular pants. This week I did wear a couple of pairs with the BeBand which was very helpful. For those of you not familiar with the BeBand it is meant to help you continue to wear your regular pants while pregnant. Basically, you wear them unbuttoned with the band over so know one can tell. Very helpful! I feel the BeBand could really be marketed to the masses especially around those major eating holidays. Eli did not seem to like the pants I put on Monday, he started going crazy. He must have been squished so I put on the band with them, which gave him more space.
Update time . . . .
Size: Eli is still PAPAYA sized this week. Apparently, they run out of fruits for the baby comparison. Length 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weighing in at 12.7 to 20.8 oz
Physical Features & Development: Baby Eli is beginning to get the fresh pink baby skin this week. Also inside baby's skull, the brain is dividing into lobes, and the nerve portion is growing and beginning to fold over, making those wrinkles called gyri. All the neurons our little one needs in a lifetime will be in place this month. Facial features are becoming very distinct and individual, and eyelids and eyebrows are more defined. Little Eli’s hearing is becoming more defined and he may be recognizing the voices around him.
Baby Movement: Eli is quite the little mover and those movements are getting bigger and harder. In fact sometimes I feel he might be moving around on my bladder. Either way I still get a kick out of feeling him move around. So sweet and wonderful!
What I Miss: Perhaps being able just to wear my regular pants. I know getting bigger and putting on weight is part of pregnancy but it is still a little disheartening at times. I know Eli is growing and it is going to happen. Still working on the acceptance.
Cravings: Well, a couple of days ago I had a crazy need for MILK! And for that reason I thought maybe I needed to have cereal for breakfast for a while. So I bought some cinnamon Cheerio's thinking and I tried that for one day and then I remembered that whenever I eat cereal it never sticks with me. I am usually hungry an hour after having cereal. So cereal is out so and an occasional glass of milk is in. I also have been crazy about my berries and fruit this week. I think that is mostly because I did not get enough at Disney.
Overall feelings: Still feeling great and very blessed! I have had some issues with round ligament pain. I actually had to cut out of Zumba about 5 minutes early because of it. I also have had some indigestion issues this week. But all of this is totally manageable!
Appointments & Coming Events: Looking forward to our next appointment on July 11th. We got another peek at our little guy! In other news Eli’s friends that I mentions in the last blog will both be joining the world this week. Baby Tank was actually born yesterday and TR will be coming tomorrow. So happy for both families and can not wait to meet the new babies!!!
We Love you Eli!!