Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sensational 16

So here at the Oaks house  we have actually done a few things to prepare for Baby Oaks in the last week. 1st and foremost Daddy got a Baby Hauler! By that I mean he traded in his Nissan Frontier pick up with the jump seats for a (new to us) Toyota Tundra with a double cab. It is truly a nice truck and will haul baby and at least one more in the backseat. On the advice of a friend we took a field trip to Babies R’ Us to make sure the infant seat fit in the back and it DID! Such a blessing to be able to get a truck like this and know we have 2 vehicles that we can tote the Acorn in safely.

I also became a fan of  a new web-site last week. If I was still doing those “Site of the Week” blogs this week would be all about Another beautiful Mommy to-be and friend knew that I was wanting the Ergo Baby Carrier, and was keeping my eye out for a good deal. Well, babysteals ran certain colors at 40% off and she sent me the sale e-mail. Needless to say that bad boy was ordered within the hour. I had to get a blue one, but I did not care it was such a good deal!  So exciting to have something for baby!  I am now a babysteal believer and check the web-site at least daily to see what the “steal” is. Here is a pick of the carrier in packaging:


I can’t wait to carry Baby Oaks in this!

Now on to the main event . . .

16 Weeks

Size:  Hello Avocado!!! Baby is measuring 4.6 inches and 3.5 ounces

Physical Features:  Tiny bones are forming in baby's ears which means the Acorn can now pick up on  my voice. Now I cam start singing to baby! A few more minuscule changes: Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming.

What I Miss:  Right now I can not really think of anything I am missing. I am still struggling a bit with body image and knowing my body/weight is going to change. BUT I am coming to terms to fact that it is all for the growing baby. My body is not mine anymore, I am sharing!

Aversions:  Still no new aversions. Might be time to come up with a new category Smile

Cravings: Hamburger meat was high on my list on Monday night, so we had Taco Ring, which hit the spot. I would still not call this a craving, it was just simply what I wanted to eat or maybe I have just always had cravings, haha!

Overall feelings: Still feeling really good and extremely BLESSED! I have had some headaches but I blame those on sinus and tension. I have a massage scheduled for Saturday and I am hoping to get most of those issues worked out then.

Appointments & Coming Events: I have a Doctor’s Appointment next Wednesday! It is just a normally monthly check up. I am hoping to get to hear the heart beat (love that) and get that anatomy scan scheduled!

Picture time . . . .


Feeling a little icky in this one. I had a big but wonderful dinner tonight at Chop House!

In case I do not blog again before Sunday a very Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mom’s and Mom’s to Be in blog land! It’s hard to believe I will have someone calling me Mommy soon!

We love you Acorn!!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yay for Ergo Baby Carrier and Baby Steals!