Sunday, June 6, 2010

Update- Project Geranium

Well, it has been a few weeks so I thought it was time to give you all little update on my Geranium. I am proud to report that the Geranium is most importantly still alive but has actually sprouted out some new blooms and has GROWN! Yay . . .maybe I can take care of plants. I have been watering it regularly and it helps that it is not in a completely covered place and can get some rain waters if I happen to forget :)

Here are a few pictures for you just to prove that the Geranium is alive and well! 






Okay, so now that this Geranium thing has gone pretty well (so far) I am feeling a crazy  confident about plants in general and would like to think about landscaping outside our house. I don’t know that it will actually happen but I am thinking about it. In the mean time I am  trying to figure out what to do with my hydrangea bush. There has been a hydrangea bush at my house since we moved here and I actually thought when we first moved in it was  dead due to how dried out it looked. The last 2 years we have been here it has actually greened up but it never blooms out big like a normal hydrangea bush. So I am considering taking it out, but I am unsure if I should.  All thoughts and suggestions on this issue would be greatly appreciated!

I still feel I am far from having a green thumb, but at least I am trying (well thinking for the most part)!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Nice job on the plant--it looks great! :)
On the hydrangea, it may be worth checking to see if it's getting the proper light. My mother-in-law has one, and she had it planted somewhere that the light wasn't good. She moved it and it did MUCH better. The thing is, I can't remember if it was getting too much, or not enough, light. Anyway, it could be a place to start! Good luck!