Monday, March 22, 2010

Site of the Week: Fox News Guide to Reconciliation

WARNING- This blog is going to be political in nature. When I started my blog I promised myself that I would keep politics out of it, however; I have been compelled by the recent Health Care vote to speak out.

Sunday night by the cover of darkness and while most of us were sleeping the House voted  a big “Yes” on the Health Care reform.  Along with the Health Care Reform vote, the House also voted on a Reconciliation Bill which now needs to be voted on by the Senate. Confused yet, wondering why this was not covered in School House Rock? Well, you are not alone. I like to think that I have a decent grasp on the legislative process for an average citizen, but the Reconciliation threw me for a huge loop. Thus, I went looking for answers and found the Fox New Guide to Reconciliation, this weeks Site of the Week. I definitely recommend reading this article no matter which side of the debate you are on. I learned many things from this Guide, including that the vote is far from over. In fact this political tennis match could go on for a while. Read the guide, understand the Reconciliation. This is not OVER yet!

I am not going to pretend that I am not upset and angered by last night’s vote. America is a country of choices and freedom, and this current administration seems to be determined to infringe upon those wherever possible.  Despite a negative impact on the majority of the people in  nation, the Bill passed and was even described as “What Change Looks like . . .” Well, let me just say that this is change I did not ask for or want but my government decided for me.

To quote a bumper sticker I saw recently:

“I’ll keep my guns, my money, and my freedom and you can keep the CHANGE.”

I know that everyone does not feel this way about the Health Care Reform or the direction of Washington, so I do apologize if I have offended you. Again I encourage you no matter what side you are on to be informed about what is going on. This is our future! Lets all sit back and see what happens with the Reconciliation.

Now I will step off my soap box and I promise to bring you a less serious topic in my next blog.


Meg O said...

Im so annoyed with the health care! People think its going to be dandy but you have NO idea! I currently live in a country with socialist health care, have been seen & treated by the local health care system and PLEASE hear me when I say its a terrifying process! Say goodbye to private rooms, goodbye to proper medical treatment & proper medicines and goodbye to our freedom that we so proudly stand up for everytime we recite the pledge of alleigance & the national anthem. There... be mad at me, Im tired of caring whos toes I step on because the government has no concern for our toes!

Anonymous said...

Amen, April! AMEN! This administration is quickly changing the face of our nation.

Did we need change? Yes! But sadly most of our countrymen don't realize that not ALL change is the RIGHT change!!!!
