Monday, March 22, 2010

Site of the Week: Fox News Guide to Reconciliation

WARNING- This blog is going to be political in nature. When I started my blog I promised myself that I would keep politics out of it, however; I have been compelled by the recent Health Care vote to speak out.

Sunday night by the cover of darkness and while most of us were sleeping the House voted  a big “Yes” on the Health Care reform.  Along with the Health Care Reform vote, the House also voted on a Reconciliation Bill which now needs to be voted on by the Senate. Confused yet, wondering why this was not covered in School House Rock? Well, you are not alone. I like to think that I have a decent grasp on the legislative process for an average citizen, but the Reconciliation threw me for a huge loop. Thus, I went looking for answers and found the Fox New Guide to Reconciliation, this weeks Site of the Week. I definitely recommend reading this article no matter which side of the debate you are on. I learned many things from this Guide, including that the vote is far from over. In fact this political tennis match could go on for a while. Read the guide, understand the Reconciliation. This is not OVER yet!

I am not going to pretend that I am not upset and angered by last night’s vote. America is a country of choices and freedom, and this current administration seems to be determined to infringe upon those wherever possible.  Despite a negative impact on the majority of the people in  nation, the Bill passed and was even described as “What Change Looks like . . .” Well, let me just say that this is change I did not ask for or want but my government decided for me.

To quote a bumper sticker I saw recently:

“I’ll keep my guns, my money, and my freedom and you can keep the CHANGE.”

I know that everyone does not feel this way about the Health Care Reform or the direction of Washington, so I do apologize if I have offended you. Again I encourage you no matter what side you are on to be informed about what is going on. This is our future! Lets all sit back and see what happens with the Reconciliation.

Now I will step off my soap box and I promise to bring you a less serious topic in my next blog.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Site of the Week- The Fuselage

First and for most I would like to apologize on behalf of the “Site of the Week” for not posting last week. Due to my trip to Nashville the post just did not happen. I do sincerely apologize but I can not promise it will not ever happen again.

Now without further ado I bring you this weeks Site of the Week . . .

The Fuselage

This sight is dedicated to a show near and dear to me . . .you guessed it . . .LOST! For those you who did not know I am a total LOST fanatic. I have been watching the show since the beginning, I have all the episodes on DVD, and I am DVRing the current season so I can watch it again before it comes out on DVD.  Sadly, this is the final season of my favorite show,if you wanna get technical as of today there are only 9 new episodes left. I am excited about seeing how it all ends up but sad that it will be over.

Now for those you who are Losties like me you know how much fun it can be to swap theories and discuss episodes and characters, but often it is hard to find a fellow Lostie when you really need them. That is where The Fuselage comes in! The Fuselage was started by the Lost creative team and features a ton of threaded message boards where Lost fanatics can get together and discuss all things Lost!

I am a member of  The Fuselage, however, I have never actually posted anything. I joined so I could become a member of the Spoiler group and access the Spoiler board. I know it’s bad! But I am one of those people that will read the last chapter of a book and then go back and start at the beginning.

I just NEED ANSWERS and sometimes I can not wait! I am refraining from checking out that board right now, I really do not want to know “the end” till it is time.

So whether you need to be spoiled, find a fellow Sawyer fan, or just catch up on some theories I recommend you check out The Fuselage. It will help you get through those tough times between episodes.


Later Losties!!!

We were all brought here for a reason . . . .” –John Locke

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Satisfying My Sweet Tooth

So who doesn’t love something sweet to eat? Well, I know I am always up for a sweet tasty treat. As I have stated on my blog before I am not the worlds greatest chef by any means, however, I do have a bit of flair for desserts. Although they are not kind to my waist line, I have a hard time resisting. This Saturday I got a craving for something chocolaty. I did not know exactly what I wanted but I knew where to turn . . .Paula Deen. I knew that Paula would provide something tasty, fattening, easy to make, and especially chocolaty! Paula did not disappoint me, in the cook book The Lady & Sons Savannah Country Cooking, I found the perfect recipe. Here it is . . . .


Old- Fashioned Fudge Pie by Paula Deen

2 squares (2 ounces) semisweet chocolate

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter

1 cup sugar

2 eggs beaten

One 9 inch unbaked pie crust

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Melt the chocolate and butter together in a heavy saucepan over low heat. Remove the pan from heat and add the sugar, then the eggs; beat well. Pour the filling into the pie crust and bake for 25 minutes. Serve warm or cold with ice cream or whipped cream.

A few pics of the finished product




The pie is absolutely FABULOUS! I have had it both warm and cold and both were good, but I would recommend warm. I also put a little bit of cool whip with it and that really hit the spot! If this is any indication of how good it is- I made this pie Saturday afternoon and at this very moment we have one tiny piece left.


The next time you need to satisfy your sweet tooth, give this one a try. It is easy to make and just delicious!

A big thanks to Paula Deen for helping me meet my chocolaty needs!

Now time to do some extra Zumba to work all this goodness off! Oh well, all choices come with consequences!


Happy Baking!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Site of the Week- StillTasty

I cordially introduce to you . . . StillTasty. Ever found something in the back of the fridge or your cabinet and thought, “Hmmm wonder if that is still good?” Before you make some kind of educated guess or resort to a sniff test dial up StillTasty. The web- site StillTasty has food categorize by type for you to look up the shelf life or you can actually use the search feature and type in anything!

The site also features some other great information on food storage, thawing tips, and reading expiration dates.

Once again I can not take full credit for finding this wonderful site. My Mom actually e-mailed me a link to it several months ago, but I had lost it. Then lo and behold StillTasty was featured in the March Issue of Real Simple Magazine. So a big thanks to Mom and Real Simple!

So I encourage you to no longer wonder if your Peanut Butter is rancid, give StillTasty a shot!

Disclaimer—I am sure StillTasty is not 100% full proof. So if you use the site and still have doubts, I say throw it out. Better safe than sorry!

Till next time Safe & Happy Eating!!!