Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Wanna Go Where’s Its Warm . . . .


So the picture above pretty much shows you how our whole week has been . . . COLD AND SNOWY!!! Now I could be exaggerating here so feel free to call me out if I am, but I believe that today was one of the warmest we have had in a while, We had at least three days in a row where the low was like 7 degree, Very Bad!

I don’t know about the rest of you but I am over the snow! It can go anytime and not come back for a long while. It was nice the 1st couple of times but now it is just hanging around and it ceases to have any appeal to me. Instead I am dreaming of this . . .


Ohhh and this too .  . .


and one more . . .


To quote Jimmy Buffet-“ I WANNA GO WHERE ITS WARM!”


Praise the Lord for the 35 degree HEAT WAVE next week!

Until then stay WARM and think WARM!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl I'm with you 1000 percent (and no, that's not a typo, lol!)!!! I love snow, but gracious, it'd be great to actually use my driveway again (it hasn't thawed out yet!!) and stop parking next to the road.
On the flip side, I guess I should be more appreciative of the beauty of God's wintery work, what with all this global warming going on... ;)