Sunday, August 9, 2009

Whatever happened to Jem and the Holograms?

I am a “Child of the ‘80’s” and being such  I played with all the essentials 80’s kids toys, seriously Teddy Ruxpin was disturbing!!! I had all the 80’s kids clothes . . .everything in NEON of course! I honestly remember layering my neon socks in elementary school. AND I watched all the 80’s cartoons and shows! Now I am sure that most of you have caught on to the latest movie trend of turning 80’s cartoons and toys into major motion pictures. The wildly popular Transformers, which I have blogged about on here before and now the latest 80’s cartoon turned movie G. I. Joe.


Now growing up and being a bit of a girly girl I never played with either GI Joe or Transformers, I considered both to be icky “boy stuff.” I feel a bit left out with all these nostalgic feelings people get about the Transformer’s and GI Joe movies. I just can not identify with them, I am not saying they are bad movies ( I have yet to see GI Joe so it is hard for me to comment) but just that an entire demographic of people is being left out. Specifically, the Barbie toting girls of the 80’s. I am not proposing a Barbie movie because lets face it would be REALLY bad!!! The cartoons were honestly never very good. Nor do I want to go see Care Bears or My Little Ponies.

All that being said I have found one cartoon that could potential be made into a film and would bring back that girly 80’s feeling . .  .(drum roll please) . . . .JEM and THE HOLOGRAMS!

Yes, lets bring back Jem and watch her duke it out with the rival  band the ever evil Misfits. It could even be a musical . . .ohh yeah!

I have attached a youtube video below for any of you that need a Jem refresher. And for now it is all we have till someone comes to there senses and makes the movie. I’ll be waiting!!!


Anonymous said...

Excellent post! Although I don't believe there were any totally awesome girl shows in the 80s, but Jem will do!

zamy said...

I am STILL a Jem fan!!