Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Put your Blackberry Down and talk to your WIFE!!

That’s right you heard me if you are reading this right now I want you to lay your Blackberry down, slowly walk away, and have a face to face conversation with a loved one.

The other night while having a wonderful salad from the Jason’s Deli salad bar with my dearly beloved, Nick,  I had an epiphany.  The technology that we all love (me included) that is bringing people together and making communication easier is also simultaneously putting everyone further apart. Now I do not want anyone to take this the wrong way, I love all the new ways we have to  communicate with one another. My personal favorite is Facebook, to me you do not exist unless you are on Facebook. It is one my main modes of communication with friends and family. I have actually fussed at my sister for not using her Facebook account. I told her that is where it is happening- Get to updating that status! I still use e-mail (and could not live without it either) but Facebook gives me more options! Blogging is another example, not necessarily a new one but new to me and I have actually seen more people getting in on it. Everyone has something to say about something (good or bad) and they are putting it out there for the world to see. Freedom of speech at it’s best! Twitter is another social networking option that has really caught on. I do not have a Twitter account as I am trying to keep my digital life as simple as possible and it would just be to much . That being said Twitter can really be used in great ways by helping both businesses and people stay connected. Most recently Twitter was a major communication tool in the election protests in Iran. Which was very cool! (the Twitter communication not the protest).

Now for the Blackberry the device which brings all the communication modes I mentioned in the previous  paragraph together along with texting and receiving phone calls. The ultimate way to stay plugged in! Again I am in no way saying that the Blackberry itself is a bad thing. In fact I know they are very useful for many people in many situations. However, at times they make it nearly impossible to have a face to face conversation. I have found that most Blackberry users are so addicted that are not able to ignore a single e-mail coming through long enough to complete a simple conversation.

So I say this to all you Electronic device users out there (not just Blackberry) lets not forget simple common courtesy.  When someone is having a face to face conversation with you do not check an e-mail or a text IT IS RUDE! Lets not let the simplest form of communication be ruined by the more complex devices.  I am all for technology but lets remember our manners while using it.


Anonymous said...

I agree, blackberrys and other communication devices are useful, but they tend to distract people. I am bad about this myself.

Meg O said...

I loved this... totally true! I find that even instead of picking up the phone and calling someone I would rather email or facebook... once again cutting out the simplest form of communication and replacing it for a more complex choice. I can honestly say I dont remember your voice bc our only form of communication is via www. WOW, thats sad! I do love you though :)