WE ARE BAAACK! So this blog has been way neglected for almost the last year. Why did that happen you ask? Well, I think the star of this post had a little to do with it I do regret no blogging much or rather at all this year. It would have been a great way to have captured all of Eli’s first. Can not change that now but I can do a better job going forward.
So for the GRAND RE-OPENING of the blog I bring you my sweet Eli and The Sock Monkey he gets to hang out with at least once a month. Yes, I know it must be hard to imagine but my little man is turning ONE tomorrow! I am having a hard time fully blogging my feelings and all the details on that right now. So until then I bring you the Eli monthly photos. It is amazing how he has changed.
Newborn- 2 weeks old
1 Month Old
2 Months Old
3 Months Old
4 Months Old
5 months Old
6 Months Old
7 months Old
8 Months Old
9 Months Old
10 Months Old
11 Months Old
1 Year Old
So hard to believe he is a year old. Where did the time go?! We love you Eli!!!
Stay tuned for the full one year blog! Hopefully, I will be able to hold the tears back and do it tomorrow on little' Eli’s birthday!