Monday, January 16, 2012

For the Love of Pinterest

Whoa . . .things are getting a little crazy this is my 2nd blog in a week! Whoo hoo! I would just like to be very upfront and tell you this blog will feature any Eli pictures or well any pictures at all. Rare I know, but that is just how this one is going to be.

So I am sure that most you have heard or maybe even experienced the internet time wasting sensation that is  Pinterest. Well, if you haven't I am not sure if I can actually explain it to you it is truly something that you have to experience for yourself. BUT as I once told a friend I am not entirely certain what it is or the point of it but I am totally hooked!!! Okay, I do know what Pinterest is . . .it is a web-site where you can go out and “pin” different things to boards like recipes, photo ideas, quotes, craft ideas, etc. You can follow others and they can follow you. Basically, it is a good way to share things with everyone on the world wide web. I have been “pinning” since before Eli came. A good friend had told me about the web-site and I put in a request to get an invitation to join. One at about 5am during one of my pregnancy potty breaks/I am to uncomfortable to sleep I discovered I had got my invite and immediately started pinning for about an hour. I told you it was addictive and a MAJOR time killer!

So after all these months of pinning I have finally made one of the recipes I found on Pinterest. Last night I made Cake Batter Pudding Cookies, the actually recipe can be found at this awesome blog <----click here. They did turn out pretty good and were tasty. Nick said they did taste a bit like yellow cake, which I believe was the goal. Sadly, I do not have a picture of them and they were actually some of my better looking cookies. They actually all came out round and relatively the same size! Huge score for me. I owe stroke of cookie shaping to the Small Scoop I recently purchased from Pampered Chef! That thing literally scoops out the perfect size for cookies! I anticipate having pretty cookies from here forward because of it. Now if you want to see a nice picture of the cookies I encourage you to check out the other blog, she took a lovely picture of hers.

I am proud that I finally made something from Pinterest and now look forward to trying more of those recipes I have been frantically pinning. See all that time wasting wasn’t for nothing after all Smile Happy Pinning my friends!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

This Christmas . . . .

So as promised I am bringing you the Christmas blog, and it is not 2 months late. WHOO HOO! Almost 1 month late but hey who is counting. Much like everything else that has happened since we had Eli- I felt like Christmas snuck up and attacked like a rabid bear! I felt like I was literally down to the wire getting everything done. I have vowed to be more organized and put together next year. Despite my organizational  chaos we still had a fantastic 1st Christmas with our little man, and that is really all that matters!


Here he is in one of his Christmas outfits, complete with reindeer feet that you can not really see in the pic.

Every year since Nick and I have been married we have taken a family pic in front of our Christmas Tree and this year we were excited to have our newest family member in our pic. This is a tradition I hope to keep going for many years to come.


Christmas 2011

He wasn’t actually looking at the camera but he was there and that is all we really need!

So what did Oaks 3.0 do for Christmas well let me just tell you in as few words as possible . . .

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve with the extended Oaks Family where we go to Skype with the Oakses in Italy, have a nice dinner, and open gifts.


With Uncle John


Nicole ready to open her gift


Someone was a sleepy man . . .

We ended the evening back at home with the reading of the CHRISTmas story from a book my sister got Eli for Christmas. It was great and a tradition I plan to keep going next year.

Christmas Morning

Santa came! I am not sure if Eli knew or not but he will next year Smile This year we put all his presents in one bag and I actually stored them in plan sight in his room.


Andy quite upset that this gift was going to be opened and he would not be able to lay on it.


1st Christmas Card- yes I read it to him!


The cutest gift!


Eli and his Iphone Apptivity case- Doesn’t he look excited!


A cute gift from Chris, Megan, Topher, Cannon, and Mela!

Thank you!

Christmas Day

Christmas Day itself was shocked full of activities. Starting with lunch and gifts with my family, visit with my Papaw, and visit with my Mamaw, and the last and final stop a visit to my Aunt Lu’s to see my cousin Amy and her family.


I see Mommy . . .


Visiting with my  Great Mamaw

In my cute overall outfit which I promptly peed through forcing Mommy and I both to change clothes.

Is that enough pictures for you?? Honestly I will have to say that is my one regret, not taking enough pictures during the holidays particularly with family. I have resolved to do better next year.  All in all, our 1st Christmas as a family was FABULOUS and very special. We were blessed to be able to spend so much time with family.

I know this is a little late but MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you! Really can’t we celebrate it all year long? It began with the birth . . .