Friday, September 30, 2011

Full Term! YAY!- 37

Here we are at week 37 and that means Eli can be considered full term! It is kind of reassuring to know that if he were to come right now that he would be okay. In another note of celebration I hit the age that I will remain forever this week . . . .29! That’s right people from here forward I will continue to have birthdays because I do love them, but my age will remain constant Smile I had a most excellent birthday with dinner at Jason’s Deli with my parents, and lots of wonderful gifts and well wishes from my family and friends. Nick actually took my to see the Lion King in 3D and yes I did sing out loud and no I was not he only person in the theater that did. Can not wait to show Eli the Lion King one day, it is one of my favorites! Looking forward to celebrating Eli’s Birthday soon!

I did have a Doctor’s appointment this week, as I will every week until Elijah Nicholas makes his appearance. Doctor said everything looked pretty good. My belly was measuring about 2 cm’s behind where they would like me to be so we are having an ultrasound next week for growth. The Doctor told me that I am just a smaller person and he feels like the baby is just packed up in there, but we would do the ultrasound just to take a look. I think if our Doctor had been really concerned we would have had an ultrasound that day so I am not really concerned. We are of course thrilled to get to see our little guy! In person would be better but we will take another ultrasound peek! Please pray that all is well with Eli and I!

You all will be glad to know that I have made progress toward “packing the bag.” If he were to come right now I feel fairly confident that we at least have the most important things packed and that is a good feeling!

Well, here is the BUMP pic . . ..


It may be a few centimeters behind but I honestly feel it is plenty big enough.

Now the update . . . .

Week 37

Size: We are officially a WATERMELON this week! 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighing in at 6.2 to 9.0 pounds.

Physical Features & Development: Our full-term baby is gaining about 1/2 ounce a day.  He's also brushing up on skills for the outside world: blinking, sucking, inhaling, exhaling, and gripping (it's getting strong!).

Baby Movement: Ohh the joys of the ever shifting belly! At night Nick can sit and just watch my stomach move and shift. He asked me the other night “Can you feel all of that?” And the answer is “Yes, I can!” The last few days it has literally been a party at Eli’s place! I have noted one thing that he does seem to have a favorite spot. Most of the time he will settle on the right side and wreck havoc on my ribs and hip. Okay, I should not say wreck havoc but it does do a good break dance in there!

What I Miss: Hard to say at the moment. Over all I just want to be somewhat “normal” again. Or at least some new version of normal.

Cravings: Well, my normal birthday dinner is Olive Garden, but this year I had a craving for something lighter and involving humus. So we went to Jason’s Deli and man did it hit the spot. it may not be fancy but it was awesome! At the moment I could go for some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

Overall feelings: I still have a little back and hip pain at times. I found the best way to avoid this is just not to do a whole lot, and if I do then sit down for a while. I am also starting to battle those fall allergies which is no fun. I just keep telling myself not to much longer! Mentally and emotionally I feeling pretty good right now just really anxious to hold my little boy!

Upcoming Events: Tuesday is our growth ultrasound and appointment. Please keep praying for us!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Time for an Exit Plan- 36

4 weeks to go! (If we have an on due date baby). It is hard to believe that we are literally in the final weeks, time has flown by so fast. Now I feel like I have so much time but so little at the same time! It’s time to be ready for Eli’s big exit and then his arrival home. We did make some good strides with that this week. Nick got up one of the final decorating touches in his room. (I promise I will do a nursery blog). I washed a bunch of his newborn clothes and sheets. Eli’s official take home outfit came this week and it has been washed and packed in his bag. I bought some stuff to start packing my bag, but just can not seem to get that done. I keep putting it off and I know we are going to get caught with nothing packed. Luckily, we are never far from a Wal-Mart Smile so if I end up going in with nothing I am sure we can buy some stuff.

I had my 1st of the “weekly” Dr’s appointments this week, everything is on track and looking good. They did spring some surprise blood work on me, still not sure why they needed that blood. I have given so much blood during this whole thing that I kind of wonder what they are doing with all of it. Nick was not with my and I kind of panicked and tried to past out. I did not actually go out but I fought it really hard. I was kind of shocked that I had this issue given that I got an IV at the hospital a couple of weeks ago with no trouble. Just goes to show that this problem is truly all in my head.

So with out further ado the bump pic . . . .


There is is the 36 weeks bump or “watermelon.” All I have to say is being pregnant is officially no longer cute!

Week 36

Size:  Still Honeydew baby (despite the fact I feel like I am carrying a watermelon). 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and weighing in at 4.2 to 5.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s skin is getting smooth and soft, his gums are rigid, his liver and kidneys are in working order, and his circulation and immune system are basically good to go. Eli’s lungs are the only organs that still need to fully mature, but every day he gets a little closer to breathing on his own.

Baby Movement: The pokes and jabs continue this week and at times are pretty painful. For some reason Eli likes to try to do an aggressive tap dance when I am driving or try to stand on my poor right hip. You can almost always see him move from the outside now. Last night while eating dinner I kind of leaned my plat against my belly and he actually moved around and moved the plate. Nick claims he is trying to get out. Who knows maybe his is in there plotting his on exit plan.

What I Miss:  As soon as Eli is on this side I have already told Nick I want an ibuprophen and an Allegra whether I need one or not!

Cravings: I have not done so good on the eating front in the last week. I have had the munchies a bit and I have not always made the best choices. I am going to try to do better this week those.  At the moment Peanut Butter seems to be big on the list. We have Homecoming at church on Sunday and I am actually making peanut butter pie.

Overall feelings: I really do feel pretty good. I do have to take it a little easier these days. Most of the time I will do a little something around the house and then sit down for a while. I also have kind of a tender belly, from all the stretching I suppose. At first I thought it was just “itchy” but really it just kind of hurts sometimes to the point that I do not want my shirt to touch it. My hip and back still hurt a little bit and sleeping is not a lot of fun. BUT  hey I do not have to much longer so I can do this!

Upcoming Events: Well, I have another appointment next Tuesday, prayers that everything is still going well!

We Love you Eli and can not wait to see you!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

34 & 35

So I know some of you are asking yourself where in the world have I been for the last week? Why do we have a combined week 34 & 35 blog? Well, let me ask you a question have you had one of those weeks that you would rather just block out? That is exactly how I feel about Week 34. I am going to give you the short version of week 34. It all started out with some really bad back and hip pain on Saturday and also feeling a little nauseous. The hip pain got progressively worse and by Tuesday (the day after labor day) every time I moved I just wanted to cry, the nauseous also progressed and by Tuesday I was unable to keep anything down. So I called my Dr’s office and they could get me in the next day and I thought I would be okay till then. Nick went out to mow the yard and when he came back in I had been sick and was stooped over on the bed crying because my hip hurt so bad. That is when he decided it was time to go to the hospital. We got to the hospital where they sent us straight up to Labor & Delivery where they put me in a room and started monitoring the baby. I was dehydrated and they thought I might have a kidney stone so they decided to keep me over night. The next morning I talked with the Dr. who informed me I was having sciatic nerve pain and had either caught the icky stomach bug that was going around or I had bad acid reflux. They wrote me a couple of prescriptions, recommended a chiropractic adjustment for the hip and back pain and discharged us.

I am happy to report that I went and saw my massage therapist and got the recommended chiropractic adjustment, and my back and hip pain is MUCH improved! Praise the Lord! My stomach has righted itself and I have been taking some pepcid to fight acid reflux in case that was the issue.  Now I am not going to lie to you it was no fun having to go to the hospital. BUT the “dry run” we had in Labor & Delivery actually eased my mind a lot about going in for the actually delivery. I survived getting an IV last week so I know I can handle it on the big day. I also now know how it kind of works with the nurses and what to expect with the room.  A hospital tour might have been cheaper but I think the actual experience was priceless.

There were a couple of bright spots in week 34 was the fabulous Baby Shower my wonderful friends and co-workers gave me. They did such a great job putting everything together! My only regret is that I could not eat the day we had it, but I have been enjoying all the food they sent home with me since I got to feeling better. Thanks to you all! AND we also had our Maternity Pictures on that Friday before everything started getting so bad. They were done by Affection Photography, and they were AWESOME! I should have some to share on the blog soon.

So what has been going on this week? Well, we are really getting close and I feel the need to really pull everything together. We at this point have everything we absolutely need to bring Eli home and care for him, which is a good feel. There are a few things I would still like to have, but if he were to come right now we would be ok.  Since we had our little hospital adventure I have realized it is time to pack that bag and be ready because he could literally be here anytime. Scary and exciting all at the same time!

And now for the Bump pics (34 &35):


Week 34


Week 35

I think the biggest difference in these pictures is my hair. I finally got a much needed hair cut last Friday. It looks so much better!

Now for the official update . . . .

Week 35

Size: Honeydew baby! 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and weighing in at 4.2 to 5.8 lbs.

Physical Features & Development: Eli’s  growth is mostly in the plumping up department -- though he won't get much longer, he'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth. (He's about 15 percent right now and will be about 30 percent by full-term.) Also his hearing is totally developed. Wonder if he can hear everything we say?

Baby Movement: Eli movement has got a little different. I feel that now I get a lot of sometimes painful pokes and jabs, but he is still very active. AND I am thankful for this! I know as he gets bigger in there that the movement will get less and I am actually going to miss it Sad smile

What I Miss: I just want my body back, and I don’t mean my figure but my actual body. I am not sure if I want to share anymore.

Cravings: I am honestly glad to be eating like a normal person again, since I went for about 2 days last week eating next to nothing. At the moment I could go for some Japanese((due to a conversation I had at work today). and some Menchie’s Fro-yo. By the way, if you have not been to Menchie’s I would highly recommend it, you put together your on Fro-yo bowl with toppings! It is FABULOUS!

Overall feelings: At the moment I just feel blessed to be feeling better again!

Upcoming Events: We have a Baby Shower at church on Sunday, which is great! Our wonderful friends also gave birth to there baby this week, he was about 3 weeks early but is doing great. Welcome Miles!

I have a Dr’s appt next Tuesday this is my 1st weekly appointment, a big sign that we are getting really close! The next big event could be the Eli arrival! Smile