Thursday, May 26, 2011

Neat it’s 19!!!

Week 19 (1)

Well, blog friends we have reached week 19 one week till the half way point! It is really going by waaay to fast! As you can see from the picture above Baby Oaks is still making his/her baby appearance. YAY! Such a blessing! Now for the weekly update:

Week 19

Size:  Aww we have MANGO baby! 6.0 inches long and weighing 8.5 oz

Physical Features & Development: Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil, and dead skin cells  now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Sounds icky, yet important!)

Baby Movement: Big news here- I have felt PLENTY of  Acorn movement this week. It is just kind of little flutters and pokes every now and then. At first I could only feel if I was laying down but now I can feel if I am sitting or standing still Not going to to lie at first it kind of scared me, but now I find it really exciting and sit in anticipation for the next little move. Dear husband is also very anxious to feel the movement from the outside, but Baby Oaks is not quite moving that strongly yet. I am sure it is coming soon though! Love feeling the movements!

What I Miss:  Watching the weight on the scale go down! I just keep telling myself it is all for the BABY!

Cravings: This week the appetite has been up quite a bit, got a growing baby to feed! This week I did have a strong need for pizza due to a conversation with a friend and I also had to buy a watermelon after having some fruit out of a watermelon bowl at a baby shower on Saturday. I have also been a bit fan of berries this week- strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc. I guess that is at least a healthy food need.

Overall feelings: Still feeling great! Another wonderful blessing! I continue to have heartburn and indigestion, and those wonderful pregnancy hormones are in full swing. BUT nothing I can not deal with!

Appointments & Coming Events: Well, we are still counting down till our big appointment on June 8th! I actually got a reminder card in the mail that I have a conflicting dentist appointment on that day. Needless, to say I will be rescheduling the dentist appointment! Can not wait to see Baby Oaks!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Excellent at 18!!!

Well, we are going straight for the bump shot tonight because as a good friend  said I have POPPED . . .


Yes, I do believe that Baby Oaks decided to make an appearance this week. Smile I was telling another good friend this week that I kind of had a feeling last week that the baby was growing or something was happening because I had just been so hungry. Which I know you really could attribute to just normally pregnancy or well anything , but I just felt like it meant hungry and growing baby. Then the bump appeared, so I feel the 2 are related, but once again I am no expert!

So now for the official update . . .


Size:  Our little SWEET POTATO!  5.6 inches and 6.7 ounces

Physical Features & Development: Our little Acorn is  becoming amazingly mobile passing the hours yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing.  Also this week, the bones of the ear become fully formed along with the part of Baby’s brain that processes signals from the ears.

Baby Movement: So I am going to go on record and say that I felt  Baby Oaks move on Tuesday night. I was laying on the futon in Nick’ s office and I was almost asleep when I felt a “Poke.” It kind of jolted me and I was like “That was different.” It was very exciting and now I lay down every night and wait in anticipation for another little poke. So wonderful and such an AMAZING feeling!!!

What I Miss:  Nothing!!! Everything is a BLESSING right now! I think it may be time to eliminate this category.

Cravings: Man, to be honest right now I want a Banana Pudding Milkshake from Chick Fil A, but I think that is because my Mom and I just talked about milkshakes on the phone. The power of suggestion strikes again!

Overall feelings: Really good! I have experienced a few tension headaches in the last week, but it was manageable. I did miss my mid morning snack on Monday and went to see the PA at work because I felt off. He informed me I needed to eat something and hydrated. Note to everyone: Pregnant women CAN NOT miss their snacks or meals! I also got in my 2 normal workouts this week, which included one night of Zumba. It was great to be at Zumba and I hope to keep going as long as I can.

Appointments & Coming Events: Umm . . ..  JUNE 8th!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Surely It isn’t 17 Already?!

I know, I know . . .Could my blog titles get any cheesier?! Umm, yes maybe! So week 17 is upon us and things are still progressing well. On the baby front this week I had a Doctor’s appointment, which was very brief but important. I got to hear the heart beat which is still coming in at 162 bpm, so AWESOME to hear that! I do wish that I could have listened longer it seemed like by the time I was all adjusted and emotional the Dr. took the doppler away. I am sure I will get to hear it again next time Smile The doctor reported that all was well, and that the next appointment would be the much anticipated (my words) Gender Scan!!! Cue the trumpets!!  Yes, my blog friends mark your calendars on June 8th we will be finding out if Baby Oaks is a Boy or Girl!!! I do feel like I am having to wait FOREVER to find out since I have other friends that are due in October that already know. But my Doctor’s office likes the appointment to be around 20 weeks, which I guess allows them to see more. It will be here before we know it, and it will be so great to see Baby Oaks again and know all is well in there. Now we aware  that ultrasounds have been wrong about the gender thing in the past, but we feel the technology has come a long way and we are going with what they tell us. In the words of my dear husband “If they tell us it is a squirrel we are buying nuts.” Can we all agree to pray right now that it IS NOT a squirrel?! We want a happy  and healthy baby- Pink or Blue it makes no difference!

Now another thing that has been coming up a lot lately is my baby bump or rather my lack of one. Yes, I have been a bit concerned about this, but I asked the Doctor and she said not to worry about it that I am just a small person. So here it is and once again I PROMISE that there is a baby in there . . .


I am sure I will look like an Umpa Loopma soon enough and for now I am going to enjoy being in my own clothes.

Update time . . .


Size:  Onion sized! 5.1 inches and 5.9 ounces

Physical Features:  Baby Oaks is hitting a growth spurt this week and plumping up. The fat that's acquired, also called adipose tissue, helps produce and retain body heat. Fat tissue is also important for metabolism, since it's a great source of energy. In addition the umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger.

Baby Movement: Okay, so needless to say I am anxious to feel those first movements. I have felt something out of the ordinary twice now, both times at night when I am laying in the bed. I am tentative to say that it was the little Acorn taping, but I think maybe. I will keep you posted!

What I Miss:  Honestly nothing at the moment there are to many exciting things going on!

Cravings: Well, I have noticed a little uptick in my appetite especially around Breakfast. I think I need to find a more filling breakfast food. I can not say that I am having an “cravings” but I am consuming a lot of strawberries!

Overall feelings: Still feeling great! I have experienced a little swelling in my hands and feet this week, which is making them a bit tingly. I am told this all part of the pregnancy process.

Appointments & Coming Events: June 8th- Gender Scan!

We love you little Acorn and can not wait to see you again on the 8th!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sensational 16

So here at the Oaks house  we have actually done a few things to prepare for Baby Oaks in the last week. 1st and foremost Daddy got a Baby Hauler! By that I mean he traded in his Nissan Frontier pick up with the jump seats for a (new to us) Toyota Tundra with a double cab. It is truly a nice truck and will haul baby and at least one more in the backseat. On the advice of a friend we took a field trip to Babies R’ Us to make sure the infant seat fit in the back and it DID! Such a blessing to be able to get a truck like this and know we have 2 vehicles that we can tote the Acorn in safely.

I also became a fan of  a new web-site last week. If I was still doing those “Site of the Week” blogs this week would be all about Another beautiful Mommy to-be and friend knew that I was wanting the Ergo Baby Carrier, and was keeping my eye out for a good deal. Well, babysteals ran certain colors at 40% off and she sent me the sale e-mail. Needless to say that bad boy was ordered within the hour. I had to get a blue one, but I did not care it was such a good deal!  So exciting to have something for baby!  I am now a babysteal believer and check the web-site at least daily to see what the “steal” is. Here is a pick of the carrier in packaging:


I can’t wait to carry Baby Oaks in this!

Now on to the main event . . .

16 Weeks

Size:  Hello Avocado!!! Baby is measuring 4.6 inches and 3.5 ounces

Physical Features:  Tiny bones are forming in baby's ears which means the Acorn can now pick up on  my voice. Now I cam start singing to baby! A few more minuscule changes: Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming.

What I Miss:  Right now I can not really think of anything I am missing. I am still struggling a bit with body image and knowing my body/weight is going to change. BUT I am coming to terms to fact that it is all for the growing baby. My body is not mine anymore, I am sharing!

Aversions:  Still no new aversions. Might be time to come up with a new category Smile

Cravings: Hamburger meat was high on my list on Monday night, so we had Taco Ring, which hit the spot. I would still not call this a craving, it was just simply what I wanted to eat or maybe I have just always had cravings, haha!

Overall feelings: Still feeling really good and extremely BLESSED! I have had some headaches but I blame those on sinus and tension. I have a massage scheduled for Saturday and I am hoping to get most of those issues worked out then.

Appointments & Coming Events: I have a Doctor’s Appointment next Wednesday! It is just a normally monthly check up. I am hoping to get to hear the heart beat (love that) and get that anatomy scan scheduled!

Picture time . . . .


Feeling a little icky in this one. I had a big but wonderful dinner tonight at Chop House!

In case I do not blog again before Sunday a very Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mom’s and Mom’s to Be in blog land! It’s hard to believe I will have someone calling me Mommy soon!

We love you Acorn!!!