The question of the last 3 years and I am still not sure if we have a satisfactory answer.
For those of you that did not know Lord of the Rings Trilogy is by far mine and Nick’s favorite movies. Our unofficial 1st date was actually to see Return of the King on opening day. We have listened to the soundtracks, we have the regular DVD’s and the extended additions, and I have read the books. Yes, it was a good three months out of my life to read them but it was so worth it. My favorite of the the Trilogy is Two Towers, I refer to it as my Sick Movie. When ever I am icky sick I just like to lay on the couch and watch movies and Two Towers is always my go to movie. It will heal whatever ails you! In 2008 Nick and I both got the flu, he went down first so I went into take care of sick hubby mode. I put him on the couch with the sick blanket (yes we have one of those as well), put a cold wash rag on his head, and then I put in the Two Towers. Forget getting him a Tylenol for the fever, we had to get the movie in! I am certain this is what made him have the strength to get up and go to work the next day.
Here is my favorite scene from the Two Towers
When Aragorn asks Théoden to “Ride out with me” I just wanna go with him, but in my sickened state I am usually only able to give a celebratory fist pump.
Okay, I think I have proven myself a pretty thorough Lord of the Rings fan, so now back to The Hobbit or shall we say the lack of The Hobbit. In case you did not know The Hobbit is kind of a prequel to Lord of The Rings. For the last 3 years there has been wild rumors, speculations, and even some conformation that Peter Jackson was producing The Hobbit. Now when I first heard this news I was totally pumped! I remembered seeing the creepy cartoon Hobbit growing up that actually frightened me and so I thought there should be a replacement. Who would be better to do it than Peter Jackson?!
Just incase you too have blocked out The Hobbit cartoon here is a little reminder:
The making of The Hobbit movie has been plagued by many issues, with the latest being the director, Guillermo Del Toro, leaving the project. Now the studio is in negotiations with Peter Jackson to direct both installments of the project. My question is, WHY was he not doing it to begin with? Wasn’t he the obvious choice. Nothing personal to this Guillermo Del Toro, I am sure he is great, but come on, Peter Jackson is the JRR Tolkien man! So lets get through these negotiations and get on with it now we need The Hobbit! Lets not have this be like one of those nasty “Verizon’s getting the IPhone” rumors, which I no longer believe by the way and it never happens. I wanna believe that we will one day soon see The Hobbit. You can do it Peter Jackson!
Until then I am off to watch Two Towers again . . .