Welcome to a new feature on my blog- “Site of the Week.” In this feature, as the title implies, I will weekly share a web-site I find fun, useful, and interesting.
The 1st site of the week post was actually inspired by something my sister in-law, Megan, posted on Facebook about wanting to be a part of a book club. Since I am in the US and Megan is currently in Italy the 2 of us starting a book club could be a bit challenging, however it is not totally impossible. Thanks to the world wide web and our site of the week . . . . Goodreads that and so much more is entirely possible.
I should note that I was introduced to this site a few months ago by a friend from church. Thanks Leslie!
Goodreads is sort of like a social networking site for readers. This site really has some great features that any reader would find totally useful. Here are just a few of the things you can do once you become a member:
- Search for books
- Make a catalog of books you have read and would like to read
- Rate books and write reviews
- Form book clubs
- See what your friends are reading
As an avid reader, I find Goodreads extremely useful! I always have one book going and one audio book going at the same so the cataloguing of what “I have read” and what “I want to read” is very useful to me. I also like to see what books my Goodreads friends are reading. This often gives me ideas of things that I might want to read.
My least favorite thing about Goodreads is how few friends I have on the site. So if you are a reader of my blog and a reader of books I encourage you to become a member, you will not regret it. After you join, find me! I would love to see what you are reading!
Until next time . . .Happy Reading!!