Friday, December 24, 2010

Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?!

As we eat, wrap gifts, open gifts, watch movies, listen to our favorite Christmas Song, and spend time with our families it is all to easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas.

In the words of Charlie Brown- “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?!”

And Linus answered:

And that my blog friends is what Christmas is all about, the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

So I ask you in the hustle and bustle of this time to stop and honor the true meaning of CHRISTmas. After all it is what it is all about!


Ohh and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you too! From my blog to you I hope your Christmas is FABULOUS!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Someone Had a BIRTHDAY!!

Yesterday my dearly beloved celebrated his 29th birthday! Whoo hooo, Happy Birthday Nick! Well, what did we do celebrate this important life event you ask? We stayed home so Nick could play video games! A good friend of ours said that I was a good wife for letting him do this,and I thank them for that. It was actually pretty hard for me since I am a bit of a “go and do” type person. However, since we stayed in I was able to accomplish SO MUCH! Including a 2 hour shredding session with our new shredder. I shredded a whole bag of old bills and paper work that needed to go. It felt so good to be rid of that stuff!!! And yes I am in irrationally in love with the shredded! But I digress back to Nick’s birthday, here are a few pics of the day:


The Birthday Boy! Isn’t he CUTE!!


The Back to the Future Trilogy on Blueray!! What a surprise!!!


Nick smoked his own birthday hen, it looked pretty but sadly it was a little toughSmile It was a good practice though!


Yellow cake, video games, phone calls from family, shredding, overcooked hen, and a spaghetti dinner what a birthday it was for Nick! Happy Birthday Sweetie . . .I LOVE YOU!!!!

PS- I would be reminisce if I did not wish a very Happy Birthday to Nicole, the sweet sister that was born one minute before my husband. Happy Birthday Nicole!

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Champion Christmas Sweater

Wow . . .So I took a bit of a long hiatus following the 30 Blogs of Me, but I am back now and feeling pretty festive. The Christmas season has snuck right up on me as usual. Though there will be no 12 Blogs of Christmas this year I can promise you several Christmas related blogs starting with this one!

This year I attended one of the best Christmas Parties ever, The Ugly/Tacky Christmas Sweater Party and yes I can now claim to be the first ever HR/Training Team Ugly/Tacky Christmas Sweater winner!!!


What does take to achieve this greatness do you ask? Well, let me just tell you . . .

1. You must have a truly Ugly Christmas Sweater. I would like to the thank the great folks at Christmas Vintage on EBay for selling me this gem. Nothing says Merry Christmas quite like fuzzy swans.

2. Accessorize! This is one instance where LESS is NEVER MORE! This outfit features a wonderfully awful necklace with giant Christmas light bulbs, jingle bell earrings, and some awesome reindeer antlers. I am also wearing red and white toe socks with flip flops. I know you cant’s see them in the pic but trust me I am wearing them!

3. Let your Mom help you! I would like to give a special thanks to my Mom for letting me borrow the very special turtle neck I am wearing. It features a hugging snowman and snow woman. I was told this really MADE the outfit.

4. Make your spouse dress up too! No one should be tacky alone. So naturally I dressed my dearly beloved up too Smile Thanks for playing along Nick!


5. Don’t be afraid to have fun with it! It’s ugly, it’s tacky but it is ohhh so much fun to have an excuse to look bad! As they say . . .Go big or go home!!!

Follow these simple steps and I am sure that you can be an Ugly/Tacky Christmas Sweater Champion too!

PS- My sweater is available and it is a WINNER!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 30- My Favorite Song

LAST DAY! Last “Blog of Me”!!! WHOO HOO! Not sure about all you out there in blog land but I am sure excited to complete this challenge!!!

So to end it up I am suppose to come up with my favorite song. I love music and have many favorite songs. So since Christmas is swiftly approaching I thought I would share one of my favorite Christmas Songs . . .

This is my ABSOLUTE favorite version of Joy to the World!!!

Enjoy and let that CHRISTmas spirit flow!!!

Thanks for sticking with me through The 30 Blogs of Me. I hope it has a been an enjoyable experience for you all. I certainly enjoyed it but I ready to talk about something besides me! (You probably are too).

What will the next blog be? Who knows you will just have to check back to see ;)

Day 29- In This Past Month What Have I Learned?

What have I learned in this past month? I’m not sure if that means what I have learned from doing this challenge or if it means what I have learned in general. SO once again I am going to take my own interpretation and do a little of both :)

I have learned from this challenge that it is truly hard to blog EVERYDAY and it be fresh and exciting. Not sure if that was just me or the scope of this challenge, but that is what I found most challenging about doing this. So although I did not blog everyday but it did absolutely make me a more regular blogger which is a GOOD thing!

On a personal note- In the last month I have learned about well . . .WEIGHT WATCHERS. I think there might actual be people around me who are literally sick of hearing about it. And my dear husband thinks that I am a personal points calculator. I guess more than just learning the “ins and outs” of Weight Watchers. I have learned how to make smarter eating choices and controlling my portions better. I have lost some weight, and I happy about that and I hope to lose a little more. I know someone are you think I am absolute crazy person for wanting to lose weight but for me it was a lot about body image and just being happier about myself. By the way, I am not trying to brag by talking about this it is just something that I have learned and that I am proud of in the last month.

I know I have learned many more things over the last month but this all that is coming to mind at the moment.

1 MORE DAY!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 28- A Picture of Me Last Year and Now and How I Have Changed

So I got a FEW days behind on doing this one, but hey I am doing it now and plan on finishing out this 30 Day Challenge on Saturday! Then it might just be time for Holiday blogging so stay tuned.


April in November 2009




April in November 2010



Well, it is honestly hard for me to say if I have changed any in the last year. Of course I am another year older and I think a couple of pounds lighter!!  I live with myself everyday so it is hard to say if there have been any subtle physical changes. But mostly I am just the same old ME! A stubborn worry wart that likes to laugh and have a good time.

Maybe some of you all have a different take if so feel free to share! :)

Ohhh and  . . . .


Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And be safe out there if you are taking on the Black Friday crowds! Just remember your life is worth more than a $2 DVD!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 27- Why Am I Doing This 30 Day Challenge

The main reason I started this 30 day challenge was because my sister in-law, Megan was doing it and I thought it looked fun. I also thought it might help me blog on a more regular basis. So far it has been a lot of fun even if I have gotten behind a time or too AND I have blogged more regularly. SO YAY for the 30 Day Challenge. 3 Days to go! I almost sad for it to be over :(

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 26- What Do I Think About My Friends

No personally I do feel this was cover pretty well on Day 3 and Day 11. So if you missed those 2 days go back and read them and I think you will find that I LOVE my friends.

But to drive the point home one more time I give you this . . .


What can I really say after that!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 25- What Would You Find in My Bag


I keep this picture in my bag- Just kidding. Actually the bag in this picture is the one I am carrying at the moment, and that is my actually unveiling it last Christmas. What is in right now? Well . . .EVERYTHING!!!

  • Key fob
  • Some Kohl’s cash (gotta spend that)
  • Wallet
  • Ibuprofen, Advil Cold & Sinus, Day Quil, and a migraine pill. You never know what ailment you might get on the go.
  • Tide To Go Pen- I am messy
  • Cell phone
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • a pen (I think)
  • Eye Drops
  • My business cards and some people have given me.
  • Hair thing
  • Altoids
  • Receipts that should be thrown out
  • An empty Ice Breaker tin, that should also be thrown out.
  • Ipod and ear buds
  • Sunglasses
  • Case that my sunglasses are never in

Did I mention I have a work bag too?? I want make you go through what all I keep in that :)

Day 24- Letter to My Parents

Dear Parents,

I would like to say a sincere thank you for the following:

  • Encouraging me to excel at school, go to college, and put my education to good use.
  • Making me go on all those hikes. I know I whined and cried while it was happening and I did not appreciate it all AND I am still not an avid hiker.  BUT you tried and I always enjoy telling people about some of the places we went.
  • Letting me get Andy and letting me get Kris and then letting me keep them both when I got married
  • Always sending me to Vacation Bible School in the summer.
  • Always keeping a substantial supply of Ketchup.
  • Loving me no matter what.
  • Letting me call on Saturday morning when I am bored and Nick is not up yet.
  • Taking care of the homestead when I am out of town even though it is 30 minutes away.
  • All that you have taught me big or small.
  • Exposing me to a wide range of music.
  • Everything you do and have done for me.
  • Just being you.

Thank you for everything!


Love Always,


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 23- Something I Crave Alot


One word- SWEETS



I love chocolate, ice cream, brownies, doughnuts, pastries . . .really anything with sugar. I think this craving may have been slightly heightened since I have been doing Weight Watchers and is probably part of the reason I ended feeling like I needed to do it.  Awww, sweets how I have missed then! BUT although I have missed you I have learned that it is best to only meet up with you on occasion.

Day 22- Something That Makes Me Different From Everyone Else

Wow . . .some days I just want to take this 30 Days of Me blog stuff and throw it in the ocean! Luckily, I have a bad arm and could never get it there so I will keep on keeping on. This one may quite honestly have been the hardest one to date. I sat and racked my  brain FOREVER! Finally, I consulted my wonderful husband and he came up with . . .I am funny! The funny, haha. Not funny weird.

I honestly do not think of myself as a stand up comedian or anything but I do like to keep the mood around me light and easy going. I have been known to crack a joke or make a funny  statement to try to cheer someone up or divert there mind momentarily from a bad/tense situation.

As the great and wise Jimmy Buffet sings . . .

“If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane.”

If all else fails and you don’t know what to do just laugh. It’s better than crying right?! So does the part of me make me unique or different? I am not really sure!

I wish I could of thought of something better, but this was all I had. Maybe one of you all can think of something else? I am always open to suggestions. :)

Here’s to Day 23 being easier!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 21- A Picture of Something that Makes me Happy


Now there are 2 things in this picture that make me happy:

1. My Husband- see Day 20 blog for complete description

2. GELATO- I love GELATO! Thank you to Chris and Megan for making sure we ate plenty while in Italy. I could literally eat a scope of BACIO right now! YUM! It is probably best since I am on this Weight Watchers thing that Gelato is not very easy to find in these parts. We have found one place in Johnson City, Mona Lisa Gelato, it was good but not Italy good. Nick did talk to them about making Bacio but I am keeping me expectations low. I will always have my Italian Gelato memories. :)

Day 20- About my Spouse

IMG_3252 (2) There he is the love of my life- Nick! It is truly hard to put into words how much he means to me. Nick is my best friend and I can not imagine a day without him. I dated a few guys before I met Nick and I remember telling my sister that if it did not work out with him that I was becoming a nun, because there was obviously no hope for me. Well, here we are 6 1/2 years (3 years dating and 3 1/2 years married) later still going strong. I threw away my emergency nun habit long ago!

Nick is a techie and half the time I am not really sure what he is talking about, but I appreciate it though he can program software, work on computers, and he always makes sure we are on the cutting edge of technology. Well, as close to the edge as budget allows. My wonderful husband also has a big heart. He is always willing to help anyone and considers those he meets to be his friend. The thing I love most about Nick is his love for Jesus Christ. That is a love we have always shared and I know that if we remained focused on becoming closer to him we will become closer to each other :)

I love you to infinity and beyond Nick!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 19- Nicknames I Have and Why

I have been thinking on this for a while and I am actually not aware of any nicknames that I have. Well, at least not any that people say to me. The most obvious nickname for me is Ape, and I know a few people who call me this outside of my presence. Which is fine I am not offended in anyway be Ape but I an have never encouraged anyone to call me that.

I was on at a volleyball camp once and the team I played with all made up nicknames for each other and I got Grape . . .You know Grape Ape! Not a nickname that I particularly wanted to keep.


So I know this has been a rather boring blog but I just don’t have a whole bunch of nicknames (That I can think of and remember). Mostly, I am just plain ol’ April :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 18- Plans/Dreams/Goals I Have

Plans, Goals, Dreams . . .Plans, Goals, Dreams . . .it’s almost like saying Lions, Tigers, and Bears ohhh my :) Not that Plans, Goals, and Dreams are scary but sometimes it is just hard to sit and think about where you really want to be in 5-10 years. I read a book recently where a girl was always encouraging her friend to imagine her own fairy tale. In other words imagine her life exactly the way she would want it to be. I feel that the Lord has already blessed us immensely with all that he has provided for us, but if I had to imagine my Fairy Tale here is what it would be . . .

Nick and I will be living in a happy life in a slightly bigger house on this same street with perhaps a kid or two.  I will have gone back to school and have gotten a Master’s degree in something, maybe an MBA??? I will also be doing some Photography on the side because I will have gotten much better at it. We will continue to grow in Christ and will be very involved with our church. We will continue to have family gatherings and parties at our house, because I will still love to entertain. If we have not already been Nick and I will take a trip just the 2 of us to Ireland for our 10 year anniversary. (Okay, it might not be Ireland but somewhere really cool).

So I am not sure if this fulfilled the Plans, Dreams, Goals requirement but it is my Fairy Tale with a” Happily Ever after” OF COURSE!!!



PS- Are you all reading and enjoying the 30 Blogs of Me? I am enjoy doing it, even it I get behind. I thought my readers out in blog land might be tired of it. Should I keep going?

Day 17- Someone I Would Like to Switch Lives with for 1 Day and Why

This questions was actually not as hard as I thought it would be. The thing I have always felt I was best in at life was talking, now some might say I am a little to good at it. However, no one could deny that I have the gift to gab. I also love to travel and see new things, stay in nice hotels, eat food, shop, and give my opinion on things. All that being said I think I would have been an excellent travel show host much like, Samantha Brown from the Travel Channel.


So I would like to spend one day living in Samantha Brown’s shoes to see if it is really as cool as it seems on TV. I do feel the one downside to having her job/life would be all the time you would have to spend away from family. I would probably have to insist that Nick be able to travel with me and that we invite family along as needed. Who knows maybe Samantha always has family with her?

Samantha call me I’ll be glad to give it a go for a day :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 16- Another Picture of ME

April 3


AWWW it’s little me. Could you tell? :) I think I was in the 4th grade in this picture. This may be the last picture I ever had taken with a tan! Ohhh how far of come but yet still look almost the same.

So you tell me- Have I changed? Or do I still look like little April?

Day 15- Put My ipod on shuffle- first 10 songs to play

This was actually really hard for me since so much of what is on my IPod is Audio books I have uploaded from CD’s. I did manage to finally get 10 songs and here they are. I think it is a bit of a strange mix!


  1. Wanna be Starting Something- Michael Jackson
  2. Ohhh Love- Brad Paisley & Carrie Underwood
  3. Wedding bell blues- 5th dimension
  4. Let it Rock- Bon Jovi
  5. Rock of Ages- Chris Rice
  6. When God Made You- ?? This was the song sang at our wedding :)
  7. Lay All Your Love on Me- Mama Mia Soundtrack
  8. Open Up the Sky- FFH
  9. Peaceful Easy Feeling- The eagles
  10. I Still Miss Someone- Johnny Cash

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 14- A Picture of Me and My Family


image The Nick Oaks Family



Callahan Family



Oaks Family (minus nephews)


Topher & Cannon- our nephews


All of my family means so much to me and I am happy to have each every family member as a part of my life :)

Day 12 &13

So I am sure you all have noticed that I have gotten a tad behind on the 30 blogs of me so in the interest of catching up I am going to skip these 2 days.


Day 12- How did I find out about blogger and why did I start one

I think I addressed that in Day 2 so go back and check that one out.

Day 13- Write a letter to someone who has hurt you recently

I just really do not want to do this one. Sorry :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 11- Another Picture of My Friends

Well, I am officially behind 1 day on the 30 Blogs of me. I hope to catch up tomorrow, but we shall see what happens. For now as promised here are some more of my wonderful friends.


image Leslie & Candice

Leslie- is one of my oldest and dearest friends. She and I met in 2001 when I started school at  Northeast State. We later became really close when we got to ETSU and were taking all the same classes since we were both HR majors. Sadly, Leslie is a friend I do not see nearly as often as I would like. Despite that I know we still mean a lot to each other and whenever we do get together it is like no time has passed at all.

Candice- I met Candice  when I got to ETSU and we became very good friends. Like Leslie I don’t see her nearly as often as I would like but I still consider her a great friend.


image Getting some gelato with some great friends from work.

image Work Christmas Party Fun!

Work Buddies

In the 2 pictures above are some of the wonderful people I get to work with everyday. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such great people. I consider them family and would do anything for them, and I know I could count on them anytime I need to.

image Former Seekers Class at Cherry Grove Baptist

The people in the picture above were formerly part of the Seekers Sunday School Class at Cherry Grove Baptist Church (not everyone from the class is pictured). I have so many fond memories doing things with this group and really miss them! We have all scattered to other places and have not all been together in a long time! I still consider each and everyone of them a lifelong friend.

image Jordan & Emily

One of the lifelong friendships we made from our old Sunday School class was with Jordan & Emily. They are both wonderful people and we feel blessed to name them amongst our best friends. We always enjoy getting together with them whether it be for Sushi or a last minute gathering at our house. We are also extremely excited and honored to be part of there big day in June 2011.

“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.

And I happy to say that I am blessed to have so many wonderful people to call a friend.  Thanks to you all for putting up with me! My love to each and everyone!


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 10- Songs I Listen to When I am Happy, Sad, Hyped, or Mad

Can you believe that we have made it all the way to Day 10! I know I sure can’t. So I think that definitely calls for a little Song and Dance Party! Away we go. . .

Mad/Bad Day Songs

I actually have a playlist on my Ipod for just this occasion. Here are a few songs from it.

1. Bad Day by Daniel Powter

I know this an obvious choice but there is a good story behind this song. I had actually had a rough day at work and decided to hit the mall for a little retail therapy. I was literally standing in a dressing room trying on some new clothes when this song came on, “So you had a bad day . . .” I thought yes I did and I am going to buy myself a new shirt!


2. You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi


3. Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi


Happy/Hyped Songs

When I am happy or hyped I like to listen to music that is meant for dancing. A lot of times I will pick songs that I have heard in my Zumba class since I already know dances to them. Get ready to get your dance on . . .

1. I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas


2. Pa La Discoteka a Bailas from ZUMBA


3.  Jukebox Hero by Foreigner


4. Dancing Queen by ABBA


Sad/Contemplative/Upset Songs

A lot of times I listen to certain songs when I have a lot on my mind or I am a little nervous. Here are some of those songs . . .

1. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) by Chris Tomlin


2. Down in the River to Pray by Allison Krausse


3. I Can Only Imagine by Mercyme



Song that is Stuck in My Head

I am adding this catagory because I have had this one particular song stuck in my head for about 2 weeks for no particular reason.



Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 9- Something From The Last Week That I am Proud

In the last week I have been extremely proud of my husband. Now don’t get me wrong I am always proud of Nick! In the last week he has a had to do a lot of home improvement stuff that I have been little to no help with. AND a lot of these things have been things that I wanted done :) He is SO good to me!

Tonight he birthed the massive couch out of the office pretty much by himself HOPEFULLY for the last time!!

Here is my wonderful husband in action . . .


Thank you sweetie for all that you do! I love you very much and I am always proud of you! 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 8- My Short Term Goals for the Month

Given that this is the beginning of the month this is an excellent time to set short term goals! So here we go . . .


1. Complete Nick’s new office.  We decided a couple of weeks ago to replace the carpet in our 2 spare bedrooms, and like any good small home improvement project it quickly snowballed into a Nick office move and make- over. We moved Nick’s office to the back bedroom, painted it green, installed a new ceiling fan, installed a new network and we will be having the new carpet installed on Friday. In order to complete the project we need to get Nick’s new desk, buy some curtains, get a futon, frame some stuff for the walls and get Nick an Xbox TV. Plenty to do! Look for a blog unveiling when it is all complete.

2. Paint closet doors for all bedrooms. We have been putting this project off for 3 years it is really just time to get it done! After we have the new carpet installed on Friday in the spare rooms we will kind of be out of excuses.

3. Stick with Weight Watchers and lose some more weight. Thus far on Weight Watchers I have lost about3-4 pounds, which I am very happy about! I have to keep pushing forward so I can reach my goal weight in order to be healthier and feel better about myself.

4. Get the majority of my Christmas Shopping done. 53 days till Christmas! YIKES! I would love to have all my Christmas shopping completely done by this time next month. Honestly this is probably more of a stretch goal but being a dedicated shopper I will certainly give it my best effort.

5. Start attending church on a regular basis on Sunday night.  This is a habit we have really gotten out of and really want to get back to.

There are the goals! Now it’s time to get up off the couch and get started RIGHT NOW! But wait there is a whole evening of Election Coverage and Poll Closings ahead. Gotta watch America send a Restraining Order tonight! So maybe we can start on all this tomorrow.  :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 7- A Picture of Someone or Something That Has Had the Biggest Impact On Me


Okay, so I am just going to be up front and honest with you all and tell you I am skipping Day 7. There are several people that have had an impact on my life and they will be addressed later on in the series. Sorry to disappoint but I just could not pull this one together to my liking.

But since this post did request a picture and we all know I love pictures. Here is one for you:

image Yes, that is my massive cat Andy making an impact on my couch. Gotta love him!

Please do check back I promise that the people who have impacted my life will be recognized later on.

Till tomorrow!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 6 – My Favorite Superhero and Why

My favorite Superhero you ask? Well, I think the meaning of Superhero here is kind of left open to interpretation so I am going to be putting my own unique spin on it.

Now normally when most people think Superhero I believe they think of those wonderful guys and gals that show up in Marvel Comics.  I am going to admit that this was my first thought as well. So if I was picking someone in that fashion it would be (drum roll please) . .  .



Why Iron Man you ask? Well, I think he is “real.” He has a huge ego, is a bit of a smart aleck, and he saves the world in his spare time. Plus the movies really rock!!!

Now for my real favorite superhero. Once again, please remember that was chosen by my own interpretation of superhero. The winner is . . . .

April’s Real Favorite Superhero



Now I know you are sitting there going- Say What? Let me explain.

Okay, first off Hurley was able to see and speak to dead people on the Island, which to me is a legitimate Superhero power. Furthermore, Hurley performed several heroic acts while on the Island. Remember that time he ran the VW bus right though the Others before Jin got shot, that was pretty heroic in my book. Also he ultimately got left in charge of the Island, pretty big job!

Now I know some of you are still not convinced. You are thinking she is having LOST withdrawals and has lost her mind. That might be the case, but let me tell you the final and ultimate reason Hurley is a superhero to me. He never really saw himself as a leader or a hero. He wanted to take care of people and diffuse conflict where he could. That to me is the mark of a true superhero someone who can look out for others and check their own ego. Quite the opposite of Iron Man!

So Here’s to Hugo Hurley Reyes! I just wish there were more real superheroes like him out there.

PS- For all you Losties there is actually a LOST Encyclopedia out now. YAY! I know what is going on my Christmas list.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 5- A Picture of A Place I Have Been

Ohhh the places I have been! In the last several years Nick and I have been able to visit a lot of truly wonderful places. Such a Blessing to be able to travel. As most of you know we took our dream vacation to Italy this year and it was such a wonderful trip.

For today’s picture I am going to take you back to our humble travel beginnings. The 1st week long vacation we ever took together was a trip to California in September 2006 to visit Nick’s grandmother and family on the west coast. It was on this trip that we got engaged so it holds a lot of memories for us.



Here is the younger skinner me taking a ferry tour of the San Francisco Bay. It was cold and windy as you can probably tell in  the picture. Nick did not propose here but rather at the really pretty Sun Dial Bridge in Redding, CA a few days later.

This was the beginning of our travels together and I hope they never end!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 4- A Habit I Wish I Did Not Have

A habit I wish I did not have?  Hmmm, where to begin? I actually asked Nick if I had a habit that he wished I didn’t and his answer to that was “Buying shoes.” He does have a valid point about the shoe buying being a habit however it is a habit that I am HAPPY to have :) Sorry sweetie!

One  habit I would like to get rid of is the horrible tendency I have to pick at the skin at the side of my fingers. It is a nervous habit that I have had for years and is really kind of icky. Whenever I find myself in tense situation or just nervous about something I just pick at the skin on the side of my fingers sometimes until I bleed a little. Gross I know! Usually after I reach the stage where I have to wear a band-aid on my finger for a day I will quit for a week or so but I always fall right back into the habit. My wonderful Dad tried to get me to quit my picking when I was younger by telling me about infections and fingers falling off but it was to no avail.  I still have the yucky habit today. If anyone has any suggestions for kicking this one I am open to them!

The root off the finger picking habit is the dreaded and horrible “Worry.” I will admit it consumes me at times. I worry about the smallest silliest things. I am working hard on over coming this and giving my worries to God. Prayers please for this as I still struggle at times. I try to remind myself on a daily basis that I am to BLESSED to be STRESSED! I just need to pray, have faith, and let God take care of the rest!

Well, those are just a few of my bad habits there are plenty more! Please pray that I can overcome these and not develop anymore :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 3- A Picture of Me and My Friends

Wow- It was so hard to narrow this one down. I have many wonderful friends that mean so much to me. So if you do not see yourself in this post do not be offended  Day11 is the same theme.




I have 2 wonderful sister in-laws that I consider to be true sisters and wonderful friends. Having Nicole and Megan as sisters and best friends is invaluable to me and I feel truly blessed to have both of them in my life .

image Megan – As Megan said on her blog we had a rather slow developing friendship and it seemed for a while we had nothing in common. As it turned out once we really got to know each other we had tons is common and now have a wonderful friendship that has been a blessing to me in so many ways. I know that I can count on Megan for everything from prayers to just listening to me vent. It is sad for me that she is so far away and we can not spend more time together. I look forward to the day we live closer to each other or well at least in the same country and can spend more time with each other. Until then we have future vacations to look forward to and plenty of Facebook! Love you SISTER!


Nicole- One of my first memories of Nicole is rooming together at a retreat at Lake Juneluska in 2004 and just laying in the room and watching Gilmore Girls. I think we have been great friends ever since. I know I can call on Nicole for anything from being my security blanket at a place to having a good girl chat. Luckily, she lives about 15 minutes away and we usually see each other once a week. Nicole is always there for me and I feel blessed to have her as a part of my life. I love you SISTER!

PS- Zumba next week for sure!


Much love to both my sisters and wonderful friends!

Ohhh and please come back for Day 11 for more of my  friends!!!