Now I realize that I did not make the 12 blogs of Christmas deadline prior to Christmas Day, but I do intend to finish the task with a few post Christmas blogs. Christmas spirit is good all year long right? So hang in there everybody you are going to get your 12 blogs of Christmas!
Blog 11- A Review of our Christmas Activities
Our Christmas activities begin with a wonderful Christmas Eve evening at the Oaks Homestead. Nick and I gathered with Julie, Jerry, Nicole, and John for a wonderful meal, great gifts, and some Wii games! Here are a few picture highlights:
Okay, this is actually a b-day gift from Chris, Megan, and the boys but it was really cool!
John and Nicole just love presents!

Wii Time! I think Nick played the most, my sweet video game player. Julie had got some cool new games- Deal or No Deal and Space Camp.
Julie & Jerry along with there furry babies
Nicole and I
Moving right along we have the big Christmas Morning at our house. I just wanted to say I love Christmas Morning and no matter how old I get I think I will always enjoy it! There is something exciting about the anticipation of opening gifts and waiting to see what is in my stocking. I just LOVE IT and ALWAYS WILL!!! A Christmas tradition that should never end.
The wonderful stuff that Nick Santa put in my stocking.

Lost Season 5 on DVD, gotta get my 2nd viewing in before the final season which begins February 2nd. I’m excited and sad all at the same time!

New Vera!!! They always come in pretty boxes.

Nick got a new CAMERA!!!!
The aftermath- Christmas mess!!! Another wonderful part of Christmas morning.
After Christmas Morning fun we headed over to my parents house for Christmas Day lunch and then a movie. We had a FABULOUS lunch with steaks, ham, and turkey and all the fixings. Here are a few highlights:
A happy Dad with his DVD burner.
Nick finally got a tea pot for his Earl Gray.
The above pictures are of the beautiful afghan that my sister made for me. One day she posted a status on Facebook saying she wanted to make an afghan and did anybody want one? I responded a big YES! From there I got a FABULOUS Christmas gift. It looks wonderful in my living room. I know the afghan would have been awesome without this but I was just so impressed with the little personalized labels that my sister has to put on the stuff she makes. The whole thing was just AWESOME!
The now annual Callahan family Christmas photo.
Following lunch and visits with the grandparents we brought back one of my favorite traditions- Christmas Day Movie. Nick and I went with my parents to see Sherlock Holmes. Let me just say that if you are looking to make the Christmas Day movie a part of your Christmas tradition, get to the theater early. We attempted to make the 7:00pm showing of Sherlock Holmes at Tinsletown in Bristol. We arrived at 6:50 and the show sold out right in front of us. However, Nick’s Droid came to the rescue and we were able to confirm that the Abingdon Cinemall still had tickets for the 8:00pm. Sherlock Holmes itself was FABULOUS! Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law were great! If you get the opportunity to see it you MUST!
***Disclaimer- This blog does not include all gifts received and it is nothing personal to anyone if your gift is not on here. We loved EVERYTHING, but in order to not have the longest blog ever we could not talk about them all.
All in all it was another wonderful Christmas celebration. We are very thankful for all the gifts that we received and the time we got to spend with our families.
Here’s to hoping that all of you and yours had a very Merry Christmas!!
Joy to the World the Lord is come . . . .